"ZieglerCollection one" For both 16 and 32 bit versions of Delphi (C)1996-97 ZieglerSoft, Claus & Nina Ziegler, all rights reserved Support: zieglersoft@vip.cybercity.dk Sales: zieglersoft@vip.cybercity.dk (preferred) -or- +45 9811 3772 Web-site: www.zieglersoft.dk (Danish and English) (Online ordering and paying on this site) Introducing "ZieglerCollection one" "ZieglerCollection one" is a collection of components, that we at ZieglerSoft think is missing from the original collection of components that is included with Delphi. It includes a lot of usefull routines too. "ZieglerCollection one" includes the following components: TzBigLabel, a new label-component, that don't have a limit on 255 chars Tz3Dlabel, a new label-component, that can show its caption as 3D, raised or lowered. TzAngleLabel, a special label component, that can show it's caption in any degree (0..359). It can show in 3D if wanted, raised or lowered. TzCustomSegmentLabel, the starting point for new components, that behaves like a label, but uses TzSegments to show the text. In "ZieglerCollection one" this is the ancestor of TzSegmentLabel It don't have an Icon on the Component-palette. TzSegmentLabel, a special label component, that uses TzSegments to show the text. TzTabListBox, a new version of the normal tListBox component, that can have tab-stops, and can automatically adjust the tab-with to a tHeader component. It has one event that the normal tListBox don't: OnChange. TzBitmap, a bitmap where you can choose what colour that is going to be transparent. TzResBitmap, a special-version of the normal tBitmap, that can't be dropped on a form, but can be used to store a bitmap. It is special, by taking a resource-id in its constructor, and when created, loads a bitmap from the resource-file, with that id. It is useful when creating other components, and is used by some of the other components in "ZieglerCollection one". It has one more good point: It can load a bitmap with 256 colours, not only 16. It don't have an Icon on the Component-palette. TzAnimated, a bitmap-component, that can show an animated cartoon. TzBackground, a component, that can show a background picture titled to fill the window complete, or it can shade from start to end colour, also filling the window complete. It can be used to draw on the client-window of a MDI program too. TzBlendPaint, a backdrop component, that will show a colour shade from start to end colour. It don't fill the window, but instead it can be sized to the wanted size and place on its parent window. You can't draw on the client-window of a MDI program with this component. Use TzBackGround for that. TzTileMap, a backdrop component, that will show a picture (A bitmap) tiled to fill the component. It don't fill the window, but instead it can be sized to the wanted size and place on its parent window. You can't draw on the client-window of a MDI program with this component. Use TzBackground for that. TzLed, a led component, that show any of eight colours, can be on or off, or can blink (If you use blink, it will one windows-timer pr. TzLed -component, so it will be wise to use one TzLed to control the rest, if they are supposed to blink at the same time). TzSegment, a 16-part led-segment, that can show most characters. All the characters that it can show can be customised (All Segment-components will change at the same time). TzSegmentClock, a clock-component, that uses TzSegments to show the time. It can show a clock with or without seconds. Every time it is updated (once per second if seconds are shown, else once per minute) it can call an event-handler, and thereby be used to control other components. TzGauge, a component that can be used to show progress in any operation. Can be shown in a style, that looks like the Windows'95 gauge. TzSlidebar, a component that can be used anywhere you want to be able to scroll through a range of numbers. One use could be as a volume-control. It can take a large number of shapes, including one that is just like the one found in Windows'95. TzFrame, a component that can be used to make frames around other components, or on its own just like the tBevel component found in the VCL-component collection. The big difference is the control you have over the component. TzDivider, the most simple component in the whole collection: A divider-line, that can be horizontal or vertical. It is used to separate groups of other components on forms (But can be used for other things too, like dropzone for drag-drop components, because you can set it to accept drops below the line itself, or to the right of it). TzMovePanel, a tPanel component, that can be moved around with the mouse, useful for building floating toolbars. TzTitlebar, a smart component, useful if you want to set and remove the titlebar on a form, while your program is running. It has one more function, and that's to make sure you can move your form, even when no caption exists. TzHint, a component, that make it a lot easier to manipulate the hint-window. It also allows you to have multiline hints. TzShowApp, a component, that makes it a lot easier to control your tApplication component. You can even assign event-handlers at design-time. TzSplit, a component, that is only used by TzVerSplit and TzHorSplit. Don't use it for anything else or you will soon have a GPF. It is used as the splitter-bar in those two components. TzVerSplit, a component that makes it easy to make a vertical splitter-window. TzHorSplit, a component that makes it easy to make a horizontal splitter-window. TzMouseSpot, a component, useful for adding mouseevnts to pictures, maps and drawings. It don't use a window-handle, so you use as many TzMouseSpots on a single picture as you want. It also makes it easy to prevent mouseevents at some parts of the picture in some situations, and in other parts in other situations. TzCalc, a non-visible component, used to do calculations. You pass it a string, with the calculation, and this component will try to solve it for you. TzShapeBtn, a non-windowed button-component, that does not receive focus. It can take almost any shape, by using the build-in types, or by using the owner-draw option. It will only be pressed when the mouse is in the shape of the button, not when the mouse is in the rectangle that surrounds the button. TzColorbtn, nearly a standard Tbutton, with one exception, it has the possibility of changing colours, the face-colour, highlight-colour and shadow-colour.