Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) Version 1.4 Release Notes December 2008 =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== 1. Overview, which includes: - OFED Distribution Rev 1.4 Contents - Supported Platforms and Operating Systems - Supported HCA and RNIC Adapter Cards and Firmware Versions - Tested Switch Platforms - Third party Test Packages - OFED sources 2. Main Changes from OFED 1.3 4. Known Issues =============================================================================== 1. Overview =============================================================================== These are the release notes of OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) release 1.4. The OFED software package is composed of several software modules, and is intended for use on a computer cluster constructed as an InfiniBand subnet or iWARP network. Note: If you plan to upgrade the OFED package on your cluster, please upgrade all of its nodes to this new version. 1.1 OFED 1.4 Contents ----------------------- The OFED package contains the following components: - OpenFabrics core and ULPs: - IB HCA drivers (mthca, mlx4, ipath, ehca) - iWARP RNIC driver (cxgb3, nes) - core - Upper Layer Protocols: IPoIB, SDP, SRP Initiator and target, iSER Initiator and target, RDS, uDAPL, qlgc_vnic and NFS-RDMA. - OpenFabrics utilities: - OpenSM (OSM): InfiniBand Subnet Manager - Diagnostic tools - Performance tests - MPI: - OSU MPI stack supporting the InfiniBand and iWARP interface - Open MPI stack supporting the InfiniBand and iWARP interface - OSU MVAPICH2 stack supporting the InfiniBand and iWARP interface - MPI benchmark tests (OSU benchmarks, Intel MPI benchmarks, Presta) - Extra packages: - open-iscsi: open-iscsi initiator with iSER support - ib-bonding: Bonding driver for IPoIB interface - Sources of all software modules (under conditions mentioned in the modules' LICENSE files) - Documentation Notes: 1. iSER target is of Beta quality. 2. NFS-RDMA is at technology preview state, thus it is not installed by default. 2. All other OFED components are of production quality. 3. See release notes for each package in the docs directory. 4. Any Topspin copyright belongs to Cisco Systems, Inc. 1.2 Supported Platforms and Operating Systems --------------------------------------------- o CPU architectures: - x86_64 - x86 - ppc64 - ia64 o Linux Operating Systems: - RedHat EL4 up4: 2.6.9-42.ELsmp * - RedHat EL4 up5: 2.6.9-55.ELsmp - RedHat EL4 up6: 2.6.9-67.ELsmp - RedHat EL4 up7: 2.6.9-78.ELsmp - RedHat EL5: 2.6.18-8.el5 - RedHat EL5 up1: 2.6.18-53.el5 - RedHat EL5 up2: 2.6.18-92.el5 - Fedora C9: 2.6.25-14.fc9 * - SLES10: - SLES10 SP1: - SLES10 SP2: - OpenSuSE 10.3: * - OEL 4 up7 2.6.9-78.ELsmp - OEL 5 up2 2.6.18-92.el5 - CentOS5.2 2.6.18-92.el5 - 2.6.26 and 2.6.27 * Minimal QA for these versions 1.3 HCAs and RNICs Supported ---------------------------- This release supports IB HCAs by Mellanox Technologies, Qlogic and IBM as well as iWARP RNICs by Chelsio Communications and Intel. o Mellanox Technologies HCAs (SDR, DDR and QDR Modes are Supported): - InfiniHost (fw-23108 Rev 3.5.000) - InfiniHost III Ex (MemFree: fw-25218 Rev 5.3.000 with memory: fw-25208 Rev 4.8.200) - InfiniHost III Lx (fw-25204 Rev 1.2.000) - ConnectX IB (fw-25408 Rev 2.6.000) For official firmware versions please see: o Qlogic HCAs: - QHT6040 (PathScale InfiniPath HT-460) - QHT6140 (PathScale InfiniPath HT-465) - QLE6140 (PathScale InfiniPath PE-880) o IBM HCAs: - GX Dual-port SDR 4x IB HCA - GX Dual-port SDR 12x IB HCA - GX Dual-port DDR 4x IB HCA - GX Dual-port DDR 12x IB HCA o Chelsio RNICs: - S310/S320 10GbE Storage Accelerators - R310/R320 10GbE iWARP Adapters o Intel RNICs: - NE020 10Gb iWARP Adapter 1.4 Switches Supported ---------------------- This release was tested with switches and gateways provided by the following companies: - Cisco - Voltaire - Qlogic - Flextronics - Sun 1.5 Third Party Packages ------------------------ The following third party packages have been tested with OFED 1.4: 1. Intel MPI, Version 3.0 - Package ID: l_mpi_p_3.0.043 2. HP-MPI (without XRC support) 3. HP-MPI 2.2.7 (with XRC support) 1.6 OFED Sources ---------------- All sources are located under git:// Kernel sources: git:// ofed_kernel User level Sources are located in all git trees as written in the BUILD_ID The kernel sources are based on Linux 2.6.27 mainline kernel. Its patches are included in the OFED sources directory. For details see HOWTO.build_ofed. =============================================================================== 2. Main Changes from OFED 1.3 =============================================================================== Note: For details regarding the various changes, please see the release notes for each package in the docs directory. 2.1 General changes o Kernel code based on 2.6.27 o Added iSER target package o Added NFS-RDMA support - in technology preview state o New verbs to support BMME: - Fast memory thru send queue - Local invalidate send work requests - Read with invalidate o Multi-Protocol (Virtual Protocol Interconnect) support, Eth and IB for ConnectX. See mlx4_release note for the usage model. 2.2 IPoIB o Datagram mode: Added LRO and LSO support 2.3 SDP o GA level 2.4 qlgc_vnic o Support for hotswap of EVIC and dynamic update of existing connections with the addition of QLogic dynamic update daemon. o Performance improvements in handling of Ethernet broadcast/multicast traffic. 2.5 RDS o GA of RDMA API (using FMRs) - RDS API version 3 2.6 uDAPL o Added socket based CM - for both scalability and interop with Windows o Added UD extensions - for version 2.0 only o v1 library package has been renamed to compat-dapl-1.2.8-1 2.7 Management o OpenSM - Cashed routing - Multi lid routing balancing for updn/minhop routing algorithms - Preserve base lid routes when LMC > 0 - OpenSM configuration unification - IPv6 Solicited Node Multicast addresses consolidation - Routing Chaining - Failover/Handover improvements: Query remote SMs during light sweep - Ordered routing paths balancing o ibutils: - Report created in CSV format o Diagnostic tools: - ibnetdiscover library - to accelerate another tools 2.9 MPI: a. OSU MVAPICH 1.1.0 - eXtended Reliable Connection (XRC) support - Lock-free design to provide support for asynchronous progress at both sender and receiver to overlap computation and communication - Optimized MPI_allgather collective - Efficient intra-node shared memory communication support for diskless clusters - Enhanced Totalview Support with the new mpirun_rsh framework b. Open MPI 1.2.8 - Bug fixes c. OSU MVAPICH2 1.2p1 - Scalable and robust daemon-less job startup - Enhanced scalability for RDMA-based Direct One-sided communication with less resources - Checkpoint-Restart with Intra-node Shared Memory Support - Multi-core optimized Collectives - Shared memory optimized MPI_Bcast - Optimized and tuned MPI_Alltoall - Enhancement to Software Installation with Full Autoconf-based Configuration - PLPA Support for affinity d. MPI tests: - Updated IMB 3.1 =============================================================================== 3. Known Issues =============================================================================== The following is a list of general limitations and known issues of the various components of the OFED 1.4 release. 1. When upgrading from an earlier OFED version, the installation script does not stop the earlier OFED version prior to uninstalling it. Workaround: Stop the old OFED stack (/etc/init.d/openibd stop) before upgrading to OFED 1.4. 2. Memory registration by the user is limited according to administrator setting. See "Pinning (Locking) User Memory Pages" in OFED_tips.txt for system configuration. 3. Fork support from kernel 2.6.12 and above is available provided that applications do not use threads. The fork() is supported as long as the parent process does not run before the child exits or calls exec(). The former can be achieved by calling wait(childpid), and the latter can be achieved by application specific means. The Posix system() call is supported. 4. The ipath driver is supported only on 64-bit platforms. 5. When installing OFED on OpenSuse or Ubuntu one should use the --without-depcheck option of the script 6. To install OFED 1.4 on Fedora Core 8 one should: 1. Install libtool RPM (required by libibcommon) 2. Install tcsh RPM (required by mpi-selector) 3. Create the file '.rpmmacros' (required by mvapich): echo "%__arch_install_post %{nil}" >> /root/.rpmmacros 7. IPoIB: brctl utilities do not work on IPoIB interfaces. The reason for that is that these utilities support devices of type Ethernet only. Note: See the release notes of each component for additional issues.