
perl-Mozilla-LDAP: LDAP Perl module that wraps the Mozilla C SDK

Name:perl-Mozilla-LDAP Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:1.5 License:MPL
Release:9.al3 URL:
LDAP Perl module that wraps the Mozilla C SDK.

Arch: src

Build Date:Sun Feb 11 21:18:30 2007
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:111 KiB


* Wed Jan 10 16:00:00 2007 Rich Megginson <richm{%}stanfordalumni{*}org> - 1.5-9
- remove only perl(Mozilla::LDAP::Entry) from Provides, leave in 
- perl(Mozilla::LDAP::Entry) = 1.5
* Wed Jan 10 16:00:00 2007 Rich Megginson <richm{%}stanfordalumni{*}org> - 1.5-8
- add perl_requires filter for the Entry module
- add the MPL-1.1.txt file to the DOCs
* Wed Jan 10 16:00:00 2007 Rich Megginson <richm{%}stanfordalumni{*}org> - 1.5-7
- Incorporate comments from Fedora Extras review -
- Remove all Requires except perl - use autogenerated ones
- Remove ExclusiveArch
- Remove files that don't need to be packaged
- add full URL to sources
- set to mode 755

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6