Seal Virtual Reality Access VRML

Secure Electronic Authentication Lab VRML Access



Exhibit setup information is now available on-line. Please read the exhibit setup information below and be sure you understand all of the instructions before you come to the conference. Any outstanding issues can be handled more effectively before your arrival to the conference.

Exhibit Setup Information

Exhibit Floor

SEAL Incubator Floor LayoutServer and HUB Assignments
RankBoothETO Associate
0109Tenet Networks, Inc.
0201Black Sun Interactive
0308Silicon Graphics, Inc.
0406Paper Software, Inc.
0507Enter Television, Inc.
0610Sony Corporation
0702Virtus Corporation
0803Radiance Software International
1005Caligari Corporation
1112Template Graphics Software, Inc.
1211Sun Microsystems
Click on the image above
to download and view the VRML scene.
1313John Wiley & Sons/UCSD Bookstore

SEAL Cell Configuration

Network Configuration Information:

Equipment Shipping Information

Insurance and Security

How to find SDSC


Setup Overview

Exhibits Schedule