Post Followup
Reply to a current article

"Post Followup" allows the user to respond to an article or a reply to an article. At the College of Agriculture Microcomputer Facility, your name and E-mail address will be inserted automaticly. Further, Netscape will perform an automatic insert of the newsgroup name and the name of the article you are responding to. To respond, simply type your response in the box and press "Send." To see your response in the Netscape window, press "Reload" in the Netscape interface.

Mail and Post Reply
Reply to a current article and send E-mail to the author

"Mail and Post Reply" is the same as "Post Followup," except that an E-mail message is also sent to the author of the article or response. To respond and send an identical E-mail message, simply type your response in the box and press "Send." The response is posted in the newsgroup and sent to the author as an E-mail message. To see your response in the Netscape window, press "Reload" in the Netscape interface.