Trade Point Incubator for Micro and small enterprises

The growing internationalization of the marketplace is increasingly important to micro and small enterprises around the world, and provides an important area of growth and expansion for many small firms. This UNTPDC service provides assistance for the small firm looking to expand their markets abroad.

The following services are available for micro-enterprise support and to help small enterprises to export.

The UNTPDC Micro-Small Enterprise Web Site

The Small Enterprise Development Web Site includes information about Micro and small enterprises, their products, services, catalogues, etc. The Forum is supported by the ETO system and allow Micro-Small enterprises to use the UNTPDC Web Servers at no cost.

UNTPDC Services for Micro-Small enterprises

Training Courses

  1. Advance Certificate on Trade Efficiency Technologies (Distance Learning Programme)
  2. How Micro-Small enterprises connect to the Internet

Trade Information for Micro-Small enterprises

  1. ETO Micro-Small Enterprises Demand Opportunities: Special service for ETO-Demand Trade Leads to satisfy specific needs for exporters in developing countries to identify export opportunities. This service is quite interesting for micro enterprises in developing country trying to export more efficiently.
  2. ETO Email Link : Using the potential of the Internet, this ETO service allows users to post their Trade Leads with hyperlinks to their email and URL Web Sites. From the ETO Email Link, users can reply the ETO TradeLead directly just by clicking on the email address of the Trade Lead
  3. SITE- Strategic Information for Trade Efficiency: Sources on Trade Information per country and subject provided by Trade Points around the world.

Micro-Small enterprises services on the Internet

  1. Entrepreneurs on the Web
  2. Big Dreams - Small Business Start Up News Letter
  3. Home Business Review
    Standard Industrial Classification [SIC] Codes - Babson
  4. Small Business Administration (SBA) Gopher
  5. UMissouri-St. Louis Libraries
    1. SBA Industry Profiles
    2. SBA State Profiles
  6. SBA Financial Assistance
  7. State Export Promotion & Small Business - SBA
  8. Small Business Development Centers - TX Tech
  9. Tarrant County Junior College Small Business Assistance Center

Trade Points wishing to participate in this project, please email to: