The United Nations Conference on the Effective Use of Information Technologies for Trade and Investment. Bangkok, Thailand, 9 to 10 May 1995
Organized by: The United Nations Trade Point Development Centre - UNTPDC - Special Programme on Trade Efficiency and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Main Objective:
The main objective of this two day Conference, to be held at the United Nations Conference Center, ESCAP Hall, is to bring to Asian and the Pacific the successful conclusions of the United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A (October 1994). The conference goal is to create awareness and promote the use of information technologies in the area of trade efficiency with particular focus on international trade and investments, and to study the Trade Point model for Asia and the Pacific. The main aims are to:
- Bring together government, private sector, trade and investment related organizations to a common platform and provide opportunities to learn and exchange ideas/information on existing methods of utilizing the latest tools available in information technologies for trade efficiency..
- Demonstrate how information technologies can facilitate and assist in information exchange and dissemination in international trade and investments. Demonstrations of the Electronic Trading Opportunity System developed by UNTPDC and adapted to investment in cooperation with the
Regional Investment Information Promotion Service (RIIPS) project under ESCAP supervision.
The conference will be opened by the H.E. Deputy prime minister of Thailand, Dr. Suphachai Panitchpakdi with inaugural address by Mr. Jean Gurunlian, Executive Secretary, United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency, UNISTE and Mr. Adrianus Mooy, Executive Secretary, ESCAP.
The conference will cover two major topics:
(1) how Thailand prepares herself in the post-Ohio Ministerial declaration to sustain her competitive edge in the 21st century globalization market and to discuss the newest technologies available to simplify the international trading process.
(2) How the Trade Point network can bring a new impetus to international trade and investment by laying a foundation to true globatization of electronic commerce.
The conference will be complemented with a Trade Efficiency Technology Exhibition featuring a wide spectrum of technologies and applications from IT providers in Thailand and Asia Pacific region. Some Trade Points in the region will also demonstrate the Trade Efficiency applications and connections to their local servers using the World Wide Web.
Conference Facilities.
The conference will be at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) ESCAP Hall.

Conference Programme.
Tuesday, 9 May 1995
8:00-8:30 Registration
9:00-9:15 Welcome remarks by Mr. Adrianus Mooy, Executive Secretary, ESCAP
9:15-9:30 Address by Mr. Jean Gurunlian, Executive Secretary, UNISTE
9.30-9:45 Inagural and Keynote address, Dr. Supachai Panichpakdi, Deputy Prime Minister, Royal Thai Government
9:45-10:00 Break
10.00-11.30 Panel Discussion 1 : Trade Efficiency in Thailand. Its implication for International Trade and Investment. "The Trade Efficiency Committee of Thailand and its role in international trade & investment for Thailand".
Moderator: Dr. Audi Kalayanamitr, Advisor to the Thai Federation of Industries
Panel: Department of Export Promotion, Royal Thai Customs,
Thai Banker Associations, Thai Chamber of Commerce,
Federation of Thai Industries, The Bangkok Trade Point,
Communication Authority of Thailand, NECTEC, Board of Trade
11:30-12:00 Questions and answer session
12:00-1300 Break
13:30-14:45 Panel discussion 2: Trade Efficiency and the Use of Trade Points in Asia and Pacific
Moderator: Mr. Carlos Moreira, Manager, United Nations Trade Point Development Centre, UNCTAD
Wednesday, 10 May 1995
9.00-9.30 Trade Process Engineering and Reduction of Trade Transaction Cost and Time, presented by ESCAP.
9.30-11.00 United Nations Trade Point Development Centre. Presention on Internet World Wide Web and Electronic Trading Opportunity (ETO) experience by the Bangkok Trade Point
11.00-12.00 Presentation: Electronic Trading Server, presented by Control Data Systems (Thailand)
12:00-13:00 Break
13.30-14.00 The role of EDI in Thailand's Commerce, presented by the Customs Department and the Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT)
14.00-14.30 Questions & Answer session
14.30-15:00 Closing
The Conference will be conducted in Thai and English. Translation will also be provided during the one day Conference.
For futher information please contact:
Mr. Carlos Moreira
United Nations Trade Point Devlopment Centre
Boonpong Tower 20th floor
1193 Phaholyothin Rd.
10400 Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: (662) 271-3010/14
Fax: (662) 2712637