Final outcome of UNCTAD IX
Midrand, South Africa, 27 April - 11 May 1996
Recognizing that disparities between and within nations could be eliminated only
through a global partnership, States members of the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Developemnt (UNCTAD) set priorities for policies and concrete action
at the conclusion, on 11 May 1996, of the ninth session of the Conference
Reaffirming their comittment to "partnership for development", the States adopted the final
outcome of the Conference, namely Midrand Declaration and
A Partnership for Growth and Development (circulated in TD/377).
To download the document TD/377 of UNCTAD IX
as a self-extracting zipfile in Wordperfect 5.1 format
click here.
To view Midrand Declaration only click here
[UNCTAD IX Home page]