Releasing the full potential...
In recent years the liberalization of trade, investment and finance and the technological revolution in
information and communications have engulfed the world in a surging globalization process. Africa has
the potential to fully participate in its benefits. An important international business conference on Africa
called AFRICA CONNECT, jointly sponsored by the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD WWW Server) and the South African
Council of the International Chamber of Commerce
(ICC - South African Council),
is to take place in Johannesburg - Midrand, South Africa, on May 2-4, 1996 with the aim of:
- promoting awareness of the potential and opportunities for creating business linkages in Africa.
- providing an environment for effective business networking.
Here is your opportunity to connect with ...
- African firms which have viable operations in the region.
- Non-regional transnational corporations (TNCs) that are currently investing in Africa.
- Other TNCs interested in knowing more about the African market and investment climate.
- African Chambers of Commerce and Industry, African Investment Promotion Agencies and other
business organisations.
- Key Government officials, including Ministers of Trade and Industry and Ministers of Finance.
in a Business Conference that is truly special ...
The three-day business conference of 500 or so participants is deliberately timed to coincide with
UNCTAD IX, a high-level intergovernmental conference (with its estimated 3000 participants) that
will be taking place over a two-week period at the same venue in South Africa and whose agenda
focuses on issues of globalization, liberalization and enterprise development. Many Heads of
Government and Ministers of Trade, Industry, Commerce and Finance will attend the global
intergovernmental gathering, and an opportunity will therefore be provided for regional businessmen
and top executives of transnational corporations to interact with the key policy formulators and
decision-makers in both Africa and the rest of the world.
The Conference format has been designed to create an interactive business environment that can
facilitate networking and result in the initiation of real commercial deals in the world's last great
business frontier.
For further information, please e-mail:
or please contact:
Mr. Maurice Odle, Head
Advisory Services on Investment and Technology
Palais des Nations, 1211 Genève 10, Switzerland
Tel: (41-22) 907 5069 - Fax: (41-22) 907 0197
Mrs. Bess Robertson, Secretary
International Chamber of Commerce - South Africa
PO Box 91267, Auckland Park
2006 Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: (27-11) 482 2524 - Fax: (27-11) 726 1344
Sites of interest:
[UNCTAD IX Parallel events]
[UNCTAD IX Home page]