13 March 1996
Original : ENGLISH

Ninth session
Midrand, South Africa
27 April-11 May 1996
Item 9(b) of the provisional agenda

Report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference
Note by the UNCTAD secretariat

1. Paragraph 14 of General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) provides that when the Conference is not in session, the Board shall carry out the functions that fall within the competence of the Conference. Paragraph 22 provides that the Board shall report to the Conference and it shall also report annually on its activities to the General Assembly.

2. The Board last reported to the Conference at its eighth session. Since that time, the Board has held eight regular session, twelve executive sessions (of which seven were pre-sessional sessions) and one special session, as indicated below:

Regular sessions
Thirty-eighth session, second part 21 April-7 May 1992
Thirty-ninth session, first part 28 September-14 October 1992
Thirty-ninth session, second part 15-26 March 1993
Fortieth session, first part 20 September-1 October 1993
Fortieth session, second part
Resumed second part
18-29 April 1994
25-27 May 1994
Forty-first session, first part 19-30 September 1994
Forty-first session, second part 20-31 March 1995
Forty-second session, first part 11-20 September 1995
Executive sessions
(a) Pre-sessional
First (pre-sessional) executive session 21 September 1992
Second (pre-sessional) executive session 5 March 1993
Fourth (pre-sessional) executive session 13 September 1993
Fifth (pre-sessional) executive session 8 April 1994
Seventh (pre-sessional) executive session 15 September 1994
Ninth (pre-sessional) executive session 17 March 1995
Eleventh (pre-sessional) executive session 5 September 1995
(b) Convened to discuss specific topics
Third executive session
- Developments in the Uruguay Round
27 April 1993
Sixth executive session
- Policy review of technical cooperation
13-14 September 1994
Eighth executive session
- Follow-up to the United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency (Columbus, Ohio, 17-21 October 1994)
5 December 1994 and
29 June 1995
Tenth executive session
- New and emerging issues on the international trade agenda
4 May 1995
Twelfth executive session
- Preparatory process for the ninth session of the Conference
26 February and
29 March 1995
Special session
Eighteenth special session
(convened as part of the preparatory process for the ninth session of the Conference)
11-15 December 1995

3. The Board has reported regularly to the General Assembly. The Assembly has taken note of the relevant reports of the Board in its resolutions 47/183, of 22 December 1992; 48/55, of 10 December 1993; 49/99, of 19 December 1994; and 50/95, of 20 December 1995.

4. The reports of the Board on the sessions referred to in paragraph 2 above would be deemed to constitute the report of the Trade and Development Board to the Conference at its ninth session.

5. This information is brought to the attention of the Conference in pursuance of paragraph 22 of General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX).

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