Daily Journal No. 7


Thursday, 2 May 1996

Official Meetings

9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Ministerial Round Table Main Committee Room
Theme: Enterprise development: national strategies and international support
10.30 a.m. 246th Plenary
General Debate (cont'd) (List of speakers)
Plenary Hall
10:30 a.m. Drafting Group I Committee Room 1
10:30 a.m. Drafting Group II Committee Room 2
3.00 p.m. 247th Plenary
General Debate (cont'd) (List of speakers)
Plenary Hall
3.00 p.m. Drafting Group I (informal) Committee Room 1
3.00 p.m. Drafting Group III Committee Room 2
6.30 p.m. 248th Plenary
General Debate (cont'd) (List of speakers)
Plenary Hall

Parallel Events

9.15 a.m. Africa Connect Auditorium
3.00 p.m. Africa Connect Auditorium
* * * * * *
9:00 a.m. Meeting of Trade Point Directors Gallagher 3
9:00 a.m. Trade Point Workshop Board Room 1
2:00 p.m. Meeting of Trade Point Directors Gallagher 3
2:00 p.m. Trade Point Workshop Board Room 1
* * * * * *
1:30 p.m. Presentation on IMPRETEC Auditorium


9:00 a.m. Asian Group Gallagher 1
9:00 a.m. Latin American Group Committee Room 1
9:30 a.m. African Group Gallagher Grill

Please see the notice board for any other group meetings or for changes to the schedule.


Tuesday, 30 April 1996

The Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, H.E. Amnuay Viravan, announced the offer of his country to host UNCTAD X in the year 2000. The Conference welcomed and endorsed the offer of the Government of Thailand by acclamation.

242nd Plenary (afternoon)

The following statements were made at the 242nd Plenary:

S.E. Prof. Joao DE DEUS PINHEIRO, Commissioner of the European Commission for External Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) and also with South Africa; H.E. Mr. Yukihiko IKEDA, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan; H.E. Mr. Amnuay VIRAVAN, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand; The Honourable Anthony NELSON, Minister for Trade of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; H.E. Mr. Ro-Myung GONG, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Mr. Franz BLANKART, Secrétaire d'Etat aux Affaires économiques extérieures de la Suisse; H.E. Mr. Osama Jafar FAQUIH, Minister of Trade of Saudi Arabia; H.E. Mme. WU Yi, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China; H.E. Mr.Ole NORRBACK, Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade of Finland; Mr. Yuri N. GREKOV, First Deputy Minister of External Economic Relations of the Russian Federation; The Honourable Dan K. ABODAKPI, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of Ghana; H.E. Mr. John GODFREY M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for International Cooperation for the Francophonie of Canada; H.E. Mr. Yahya Ale ISHAGH, Minister of Commerce of the Islamic Republic of Iran; S.E. M. Georges WOHLFART, Secrétaire d'Etat aux Affaires Etrangères, au Commerce Extérieur, et à la Coopération du Luxembourg; H.E. Ambassador Alfredo V. CHIARADÍA, Deputy Secretary for International Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Argentina; H.E. Ms. A. VAN DOK-VAN WEELE, Minister of Foreign Trade of the Netherlands; H.E. Mr. Mohammed MAHDI SALIH, Minister of Trade of Iraq; H. E. Ambassador José P. Luiz GOMES, President of the Institute for Portuguese Cooperation of Portugal.

242nd Plenary (Cont'd.)(evening)

The following statements were made:

H.E. Mr. Vijay S. MAKHAN, Assistant Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity in charge of the Economic Development and Cooperation (OAU); S.E.M. Mohamed ELALAMI, Ministre du Commerce Extérieur du Maroc; H.E. Mr. Goce PETRESKI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative in Geneva of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; H.E. Mr. Stylianos PERRKIS, Secretary-General, European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece; H.E. Mr. Luis MAIRA, Minister of Planning of Chile; The Honourable Sela MOLISA, Minister for Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives of Vanuatu.

The representatives of Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia exercised their right of reply.

Wednesday 1 May 1996

243rd Plenary (morning)

The following statements were made:

S.E. M. Mohamed ENNACEUR, Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent de la Tunisie; The Honourable Pehin Dato Haji Abdul Rahman TAIB, Minister of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei Darussalam; H.E. Mr. KERK Choo Ting, Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia; H.E. Ambassador Temel ISKIT, Deputy Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey; H.E. Mr. Ida Bagus SUDJANA, Minister of Mining and Energy of Indonesia; S.E.M. Ferdinand KACOU ANGORA, Ministre du Commerce de la Côte d'Ivoire; H.E. Mr. Koo Tsai KEE, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Finance of Singapore; H.E. Mr. Abdulraouf AL-MUBARAK, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the United Arab Emirates; Mr. Makoto TANIGUCHI, Deputy Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); S.E. M. Romulus Ioan POPESCU, Ministre du commerce de la Roumanie; S.E. Embajador Sergio GONZÁLEZ GÁLVEZ, Subsecretario de Asuntos Multilaterales, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de Mexico; H.E. Mr. Jacek BUCHACZ, Minister for Foreign Economic Relations of Poland; Mr. J. Denis BELISLE, Executive Director of the International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO (ITC); H. E. Mr. Justus A.A. MUDAVADI, High Commissioner on behalf of The Honourable J.F.K. BARMASAI M.P., Assistant Minister for Commerce and Industry of Kenya; Mr. Hazem KAWASMI, representative of Palestine.

244th Plenary (afternoon)

The following statements were made:

S.E. M. Réginald MOREELS, Secrétaire d'Etat à la Coopération au Développement de la Belgique; H.E. Ms. Kari NORDHEIM-LARSEN, Minister for Development Cooperation of Norway; H.E. Mr. Peter BRÜCKNER, Under-Secretary for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark; H.E. Dr. Miroslav SOMOL, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic; S.E. Sr. Ricardo Cabrisas RUIZ, Ministro de Comercio Exterior de Cuba; S.E. Sr. Raimundo PEREZ-HERNANDEZ, Embajador, Representante Permanente de España en Ginebra; H.E. Mr. Jigmi Y. THINLEY, Deputy Minister, Permanent Representative of Bhutan in Geneva; H.E. Dr. Norbert LAMMERT, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Economics of Germany; Mr. Jesús SEADE, Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO); Sr. Federico Alberto CUELLO, Sub-Secretario Técnico de la Presidencia de la Republica Dominicana; Ms. Joanna HEWITT, Deputy Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia; H.E. Mr. Victor GLADUSH, First Deputy Minister for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of Ukraine; H.E. Mr. Pavol HRMO, State Secretary, Ministry of Economy of Slovakia; The Honourable H.M. MURERWA, Minister of Industry and Commerce of Zimbabwe.


Registration and accreditation

Admission to the Conference Centre will require the showing of an identity badge which will be issued to delegates upon registration. Identity badges will be issued on the basis of advance communications submitted by the Permanent Missions (Geneva or New York) to the UNCTAD secretariat. To obtain this badge, which shall be carried at all times, participants should contact the Registration Counter in the Delegates' Lounge at the Conference Centre as soon as possible after their arrival in Midrand. Registration will take place daily between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

The attention of participants is drawn to the fact that registration is solely for the purpose of obtaining individual identity badges. For purposes of formal accreditation and preparation of the official list of participants to the Conference, the credentials of representatives, alternates and advisers should be submitted in writing to the Secretary-General of the Conference and the original copy deposited with the Accreditation Office in the Green Room of the Delegates' Lounge as soon as possible.

Members of the Press who have applied for accreditation to the Conference may obtain their pass from the Media Accreditation Counter near the Registration Counter. Those members of the Press who have not yet applied should complete an application form that may be obtained from the counter and submit it together with an official letter of accreditation from their respective Press offices.

Requests for rooms and services for Group meetings

Requests for rooms and services for Group meetings should be made to Office 1 above the Plenary Hall (Telephone: 082 858 0596). Delegations are kindly asked to make such requests not later than 5 p.m. for meetings to be held the following day.

List of speakers

For inscriptions on the list of speakers in the general debate, please contact Mr. K. Tenzing, Deputy Secretary of the Conference, in Room L2-2, Extension 7624/7621.

Statements in the general debate

Delegations are reminded that, whenever possible, advance copies of statements should be made available to the conference room staff in order to facilitate the interpretation of the statement into the other official languages.

Texts of statements delivered in the general debate which are remitted to the secretariat will be reproduced and distributed during the Conference in the language version(s) in which they are received. There will be no facilities within the secretariat for typing, translation or reproduction in the other working or official languages of the Conference. Texts of statements for reproduction should be handed in to the UNCTAD Documents Submission Office in Room L3-15 (Extension: 7553).

Schedule of participation of Ministers

Delegations are requested to inform the Protocol Office (Room L3-1 in Office Block 2, Extension: 7562) of the scheduled arrival and departure of Ministers, so that a schedule of the attendance of Ministers can be drawn up and circulated.

Group Liaison Office

The Group Liaison Offices are located in Rooms:
  • L3-3 (Extension 7564/7565)
  • L3-6 (Extension 7566)
  • L3-7 (Extension 7571)

Bilateral consultations

For bilateral consultations, please contact Office L2-9, Extension 7583.

Distribution of documents

The documentation for the Conference will be distributed to delegations in a limited number of copies in the official language of their choice, through their respective "pick-up boxes" situated at the Documents Counter in the Delegates' Lounge. A checklist of documents (TD(IX)/Misc.1.) will assist delegations in identifying essential documentation.

Attention is drawn to a note by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the control and limitation of documentation (A/AC.172/INF.15, of 16 August 1993). Moreover, in view of the current economic measures, delegations are requested to have with them their copies of essential documents throughout the Conference and to keep requests for additional copies to the minimum.


Any personal mail received at the Conference Centre will be distributed via the Documents Counter in the individual "pick-up boxes" in the Delegates' Lounge.

A post office service is available at the Business Centre in the Delegates' Lounge at the Conference Centre for postal, cable and telex services. Telephones can be operated by both card or cash for participants' own account. Secretarial services, photocopying or faxing will also be available for delegates at the Business Centre in the Delegates' Lounge.

Social events

In order to assist delegations in ensuring that their social events (e.g. cocktails and receptions) are not scheduled for the same date, it would be appreciated if delegations could contact the UNCTAD Protocol Office (Room L3-1 in Office Block 2, Extension: 7562) regarding the dates when they propose to hold these events.

Car parks

A number of parking places have been reserved for delegations in the Conference Centre area. Stickers for vehicles will be issued to delegations upon request by Chief Security Coordinator (Telephone:082 858 9030/082 858 9054).

Shuttle bus service

This service is provided by Springbok-Atlas and transfers will take place from the designated hotels to the Gallagher Estate Conference Centre. At Gallagher Estate, buses depart from the parking area outside the Main Entrance Gate and will be marked with the names of hotels. Special transportation needs may be arranged at the Travel Desk in the Delegates' Lounge (Enquiries:8052239).

First aid

An on-site clinic is available to provide all first aid facilities at the Conference Centre, including life-support equipment. Ambulance services are on-site and helicopter evacuation is possible in an emergency. All expenses incurred at hospitals, crisis centres or other medical care is for participants' own account (Telephone:8055928).

Security hints

The following advice is provided by the South African Police which will help your visit to be both safe and enjoyable:

  • Use only the main entrance of your hotel.
  • Plan your journey before you leave your hotel.
  • If you intend travelling off the beaten track, ask hotel staff at the reception desk to check your intended route with local community liaison officers.
  • Do not draw attention to yourself by displaying large amounts of cash, expensive jewellery or cameras.
  • In an emergency - call the South African Police at this number:

    10111 (Toll-free)

  • Place and keep all your valuables in your hotel's safety deposit box.
  • Ensure that your hotel room door is securely locked when you are in the room and whenever you leave it.
  • Should someone knock on your door, do not open the door before you have identified the person on the other side.
  • Be sure to leave your hotel room keys with hotel staff at the reception desk whenever you leave your room.
  • Never leave your property unattended in any public place.

Lost property

Enquiries should be made at the Information Desk in the Delegates' Lounge of the Conference Centre, or by telephoning (011)805 5988/805 5989.

Arts & crafts market and exhibition

A traditional South African crafts market will be held during the Conference in the Exhibition Hall, Lower Level 2 below the Plenary Hall, which is the ideal place to buy your mementos at affordable prices. All items on sale are hand-made and represent a variety of unique indigenous art works, such as baskets, bead work, sculptures and hand- woven articles.

You will also be able to see traditional artists from the great variety of South African cultures at work in the Rose Garden as well as a display of their work.

Participants in the Crafts Market will be the National Crafts Association and the KARA Cultural Foundation, who are representative of traditional South African arts and crafts. By buying from them, you will be helping the people who most need your support.


Friday, 3 May 1996

Official Meetings

9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Ministerial Round Table Main Committee Room
Theme: Future work of UNCTAD in accordance with its mandate; institutional implications
10.30 a.m. Plenary
General Debate (cont'd)
Plenary Hall
10:30 a.m. Drafting Group I Committee Room 1
10:30 a.m. Drafting Group II Committee Room 2
3.00 p.m. Plenary
General Debate (cont'd)
Plenary Hall
3.00 p.m. Drafting Group II Committee Room 1
3.00 p.m. Drafting Group III Committee Room 2
6.30 p.m. Plenary
General Debate (cont'd)
Plenary Hall

Parallel Events

9.15 a.m. Africa Connect Auditorium
3.00 p.m. Africa Connect Auditorium
* * * * * *
8:00 a.m. Meeting of Trade Point Directors Gallagher 3
8:00 a.m. Trade Point Workshop Board Room 1
1:30 p.m. Secretariat presentation on Trade Points Auditorium
2:00 p.m. Meeting of Trade Point Directors Gallagher 3
2:00 p.m. Trade Point Workshop Board Room 1

[Announcements] [UNCTAD IX home page]