ZimTrade Services

Assistance to Foreign Buyers

Computerised Trade Databases

Trade Promotion

Trade and Marketing Information

Horticulture and Floriculture

New Exporter Development

Trade Research Analysis

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Assistance to Foreign Buyers

.Information on Zimbabwean products and manufacturers

.Itineraries for buyers visiting Zimbabwe

.Inward buyer missions to Zimbabwe

Index of ZimTrade Services

Computerised Trade Databases

.Zimbabwe Company Database

.Foreign Company Databases

.Zimbabwe and International Trade Statistics Databases

.Country Information Databases

.International Market Conditions Databases

.International Trade Fairs Database

.Computerised Library Catalogue

.PTA Trade Information Network (TINET)

.South Investment, Trade and Technology Data Exchange Centre (SITTDEC)

.Market News Service for selected products (MNS)

Index of ZimTrade Services

Trade Promotion

. Market surveys and product research

. Trade promotion missions

. Regional and international trade fairs and exhibitions

. Bilateral and international trade negotiations and policy formulation

. Liaison with foreign trade organisations

Index of ZimTrade Services

Trade and Marketing Information

.Library/Documentation centre

.Disseminating business opportunities

.Annual trade directories and sectoral export directories

.Monthly newsletter

.New exporters guides

.Handling trade enquiries

Index of ZimTrade Services

Horticulture and Floriculture

.Local and international flower and horticulture shows

.Horticulture newsletter

.Market surveys and product research

.Provision of market and price information

Index of ZimTrade Services

New Exporter Development

. Identification and development of new exporting companies

. Development programmes for products

. Workshops and seminars on export marketing

. Consultancy service

Index of ZimTrade Services

Trade Research Analysis

.Trade statistics on database

.Trade trends analysis

.Trade facilitation

Index of ZimTrade Services

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