Media Technology (Pvt) Ltd

P.O. Box CY 977, Causeway, Zimbabwe.

Phone (2634) 702009

Fax (2634) 703416

Coming to a screen near you.

Virtual Victoria Falls

Real Soon Now! :-)

Media Technology is a software development house that has been making hypertext products since 1989. We produced the first African multimedia CD-ROM, "Svinga, a multimedia journey through Zimbabwe", have completed a number of touch screen and interactive marketing systems and currently publish "Political Risk Services on CD-ROM" in conjunction with Political Risk Services, a division of IBC USA (Publications ) Inc.

Based on the detailed and interesting Encyclopedia of Zimbabwe, Svinga contains information about : over 70 mammals, 200 insects, 150 birds, 40 species of fish, 50 plant families, 250 biographies, 200 archaeological sites, 75 national parks and safari areas.

Nearly 1000 maps, pictures drawings as well as hundreds of sound clips of voices in shona and ndebele are also included on the disc. Also, bird sounds, 50 video clips, 50 high resolution pictures and ten minutes of historical speeches.

One of the most important assets on these discs are the 50 high resolution TIFF images. They were provided to Media Technology by Mr Val King for use on our discs free of copyright. (If you would like to use the orginal images for commercial use, please do not hesitate to e-mail us, and we will pass on your queries. We owe him, and many other people from the region - and the international multimedia business - an awesome debt of gratitude.)

Svinga is available for both Macintosh and IBM Windows computers.

Cost per disc US$50 including freight and insurance.

We hope this site is of use to everyone who is interested in Africa. It will be updated regulary. We have worked hard at placing the most interesting information we could find about Zimababwe and our region on this site so please do use it.

Thanks for looking in!

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