Welcome to Data Control & Systems

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Networking on a Global scale

Data Control & Systems (Pvt) Ltd. has a special purpose in the computer industry in Africa. We are one of the leading developers in "Local Area Networks" and "Wide Area Networks", our involvement in the Internet supports our company policies, "Communications are the basis of Life."

Our services go further into other fields of development and support, we supply our own brand of Personal Computers, Notebook PC's and an impressive range of high-end Server based equipment.
Software development is and has always been an area of great interest to us, therefore it was only fitting for us to become involved in the development of .HTML, the format used extensively on the internet and now more and more in database information systems.

What ever your computer or communication needs may be, we'll be there to assist you....

To find out more about any of our services, please e-mail datacont@iafrica.com

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