General Background and Overview
Official request for launchingTPM was submitted to UNCTAD in October , 1994 , just before UNCTAD´s International Symposium on Trade Eficciency which was held in Columbus, Ohio .
Inmediately after the Symposium TPM established a link to the GTPNet through electronic mail via INTERNET and process to become operational was iniciated.
During 1995 reception and dissemination of ETOS was done on a pilot basis. Exchange of information with other Trade Points, mainly South American , quickly developped actively. Second Latinoamerican Trade Point Directors´ Meeting in Florianopolis, Brazil ( august, 1995 ), and First World Trade Point Directors´ Meeting at Tampere, Finland (september, 1995), were attended.
At the beginning of 1996 a formal agreement with URUNET - first and main private uruguayan Foreing Trade Statistics Data Bases Information Services - was established , TPM´s initial oficce was located at URUNET´s premises , and TPM became fully operational, client suscribing and servicing having already begun.
Mr. Pablo Milburn, URUNET'S CEO , is appointed to chair Trade Point Montevideo's Board of Directors, and Mrs.Laura Palma to act as its Executive Directress.br>
Agreements with the following local private and public institutions are under process:
- - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- - Uruguayan Exporter´s Union
- - National Port Administration
- - Uruguayan Catholic University
- - Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Department of the Industry Ministry
- - Montevideo Free Zone
TPM operates under the auspices of United Nations Trade Point Development Program, and is a part of the Global Trade Point Network.
Principles stipulated by UNCTAD for the establishment and operation of Trade Points will be fully respected .
TPM takes the improvement of trade efficiency advocated by theTrade Efficiency Initiative as its aim.
Its major goal is to broaden access to international trade of local economic entities, especially small and medium - size enterprises and new participants , supporting them to find markets for their products, and to realize more quickly and with less expenses import/export operations with the help of the advanced technologies (Electronic Data Interchange -EDI ) and information networks (INTERNET, E-mail, common databases, satellite fax, video conferences, etc.).
The Montevideo Trade Point will group all participants in international trade transactions and help traders to identify markets for their products, complete procedures and meet requirements on the spot, in a shorter time and at lower costs than before, using the latest multimedia technology.
Virtual links will be established to the Government Departments related to foreign trade
and to the service providers intervening in foreign trade transactions, such as customs, commodity inspections, origin certification , banks, insurance, transportation and information services etc., to co-handle the official affairs and provide the information for trade and the services for foreign trade transactions, acting as the bridge to connect the GlobalTrade Network throughout the world.
Thus, current tasks of Montevideo Trade Point are:
- Making all Uruguayan companies to be accessible via InterNet WWW/gopher links,X.25 networks and other networking technologies.
- Establishing more gateways to existing resources
- Wider implementation of EDIFACT standards to existing information systems.
- Organization and support for international trade transactions.
- Establishing closer cooperation with Trade Points worldwide.
TPM will devote itself to the extensive and active cooperationwith national and international trade organs, trade promotion organizations, information services, universities and scientific research institutions, and make a contribution to raise Trade efficiency, promote the participation of more enterprises including medium and small sized enterprises in foreign trade and the development of foreign trade in Uruguay.
TPM is open for all those enterprises, which are willing to share the information resources, favorable conditions and the applications of new technology - so as to benefit more with less investment, achieving the goal of reducing the costs, and strengthening the market competitive capabilities.
Trade Point Montevideo Main Office Address :
Ituzaingó 1423
Tels.: 5982 96 31 85
Fax : 5982 96 48 12
We welcome your contact by
E-mail :palma@chasque.apc.org
For further information please contact :
Lic. Laura Palma
Trade Point Montevideo Executive Directress
Copyright © 1996 Montevideo Trade Point