Russian Federation

Rossija Rossija Rossija

Country RUSSIA

Country ISO-Code RU

Area 17,075,000 square kilometres.

Population 148 million.


Business Language Russian, English or German.

Weights & Measures Metric system.

Currency 1 Rouble (SUR) = 100 Kopecks.

Time 3 to 12 hours ahead of GMT.

Import Restrictions Import licences are required for a limited number of goods.

Exchange Control No restrictions for most commodity transactions.

Duties The customs tariff is based on the Harmonized (Com- modity Description and Coding) System (HS).

Most duties are ad valorem rates and are generally calculated on the CIF-value.

In addition to Customs duties, if any, there are certain import fees and taxes payable at the time of importation, including VAT - Value Added Tax.

Terms of Payment Clean payment (Remittance): Only advance payment recommended.

Documentary collection (D/P or D/A): Not recommended. Payment delays.

Letter of Credit (L/C): Recommended. L/C have to be payable in the export country.

Commercial Invoice No special form is required. UN Aligned Invoice Layout Key is recommended.

Number of copies required is stated in the individual sale contract. It should give the usual details including number and date of invoice, other references (buyer's order number, etc.), names and addresses of seller, consignee and buyer (if other than consignee), transport information (name of ship, etc.), marks and numbers on packages, numbers and kind of packages, gross weights, full description of goods, quantity (net weight, units, etc.) for each commodity, unit price and total for each com- modity, discounts and type of discount, terms of delivery (for instance Incoterms), terms of payment and country of origin.

It should further state among others the contract num- ber. All data in the invoice must comply with those stated in the individual contract.

Must be signed by the exporter. No certification or legalization.

Consular-/Customs Invoice None.

Packing List A packing list giving full details may be sent with invoice.

Certificate of Origin Normally not required.

EUR-Documentation Not applicable.

Special Certificates Health or Sanitary Certificates are required for live animals, plants and products thereof, meat, foodstuffs and fodder.

DK: Control of Strategic Goods: Concerning export of high technology industrial goods: please note the export regulations and the embargo control concerning "stra- tegic" goods.

NO: Control of Strategic Goods: Concerning export of high technology industrial goods: please note the export regulations and the embargo control concerning "stra- tegic" goods.

Insurance Follow instructions of the importer.

Transport Documents Sea Freight: Bills of Lading: Follow instructions in the contract.

Air Freight: There are no known special regulations stipulated by the authorities. Follow instructions of importer and/or airline company.

Postal Parcels: Max. 10 kg (incl. airmail parcels). 2 Customs declarations. Commercial invoice to be attached to Customs declaration.

Cash on delivery (COD) not possible.

Legalization Not required.

Special Product Requirements These requirements are specified in the individual contracts.

Marking of Goods Follow the instructions given in the indivial contracts.

Marking of Cases Follow the instructions given in the indivial contracts.

Entry and Warehousing There are no known special regulations.

Samples Samples of no commercial value may be imported duty- free and without an import licence by authorized organisations.