FriNet : Friendly Interchange Network

FriNet communications Friendly Interchange Network

FriNet is a corporate multi-technology information network of companies, non-commercial organizations and individuals in several countries.

FriNet is a structure, based on a permanent participation of the members and mutually useful co-operation, both formal and informal.

Being the joint corporate project of many participants, FriNet combines features of a computer information network, financial-commercial group, business club, distribution network for goods and services of the members - as well as education and culture co-operation network.

All the FriNet technical structures are run by the members themselves.

Currently FriNet has about six hundred permanent members - business companies, non-commercial organizations, administrative structures,and individuals - in countries like :

Russia, USA , Denmark , Sweden ,France , Germany , Philippines, Bulgaria and some other.

Most of FriNet informational activities lie in fields of:

Summary :


You can send questions and comments,if any, to :, Mr. Valery Mescheryakoff