Russian Pilot Trade Point


The Russian Pilot Trade Point is established on the basis of InformVES Association ("Information and Data Processing Association") of The Russian Federation Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations under the aegis of the Russian Interdepartmental Coordination Council EDIFACT.

The main objectives of this Project are to open international trade to new participants, and especially small and medium - size Russian enterprises, by simplifying and harmonizing trade procedures and giving Russian traders access to advanced technologies and information networks, by using of the transmission of information in electronic form, including what is known as Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ).

The Russian Trade Point will group all participants in international trade transactions and where traders can identify markets for their products, complete procedures and meet requirements on the spot, in a shorter time and at lower costs than before, using the latest multimedia technology.

A Trade Point is a laboratory, aiming at facilitating trade and reducing the time and cost of trade procedures, by:

Informational resources of the Russian Pilot Trade Point:

RosContact information service


InterNet addresses: