he average rates per year of tourists (5.7%) and of visitors (4.2%), during the last seven years, showed significant increases. In the same period the average growth rate per year of the world market for tourism was 5.4%.

Source: INE - National Statistics Institute

Source: INE - National Statistics Institute
Most of the tourists who visit Portugal are from Western Europe with particular emphasis on the EU countries. USA is the most significant origin outside Europe.

According to the World Tourism Organization, Portugal's share of the European tourism market increased from 1.4% in 1980 to 3.1% in 1992.

Accompanying visitors' growth, tourism income has also grown significantly, achieving US$ 4,176m in 1993.

Source: INE - National Statistics Institute

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Questions and comments go to cmoreira@eto.geis.com.

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United Nations Trade Point Development Centre

For more information about Portugal
Investimentos, Comércio e Turismo de Portugal, ICEP