he EU represents the most significant source of inward investment, with the United Kingdom being the main investor each year since 1985. France, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands are among the others most important investor.

EFTA also provides an important source, in particular from countries such as Switzerland and Austria. The United States, Brazil and Japan are also important sources with regard to providing capital for direct investment.

As far as sectors of activity are concerned, services have taken the lead in place of manufacturing industry, since 1986. The most important areas within the services sector are real state, banking and other financial services, business services, wholesaling and tourism.

Industry has accounted for 40% in 1991 and 36% in 1993, respectively, of total inward investment. Its most significant areas are chemicals, and equipment and machinery.

Many large-scale projects have been set up in Portugal, from the motor industry to high precision moulds, through to components and electronics.

Most of the major multinational companies are present in Portugal, such as General Motors, Ford, Volkswagen, Texas Instruments, Alcatel, Yasaki, Neste, Continental, Bendix, Renault, Siemens, Mitsubishi, Samsung, Pepsico, etc..

      (General regime)

All contents Copyright © 1994, 1995, United Nations Trade Point Development Centre.
Questions and comments go to cmoreira@eto.geis.com.

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United Nations Trade Point Development Centre

For more information about Portugal
Investimentos, Comércio e Turismo de Portugal, ICEP