March 1995 No. 1

Recent KFTA Publications

  1. Investment Guide to Vietnam/1995, 239 p., 7,000won.
  2. Explanatory Meeting on the UR Anti-Dumping Agreement: Main Contents of the UR Anti-Dumping Agreement and the Direction of the Revision of Anti-Dumping Systems in Major Countries/1994, 29p, pamphlet for a seminar.
  3. Explanatory Meeting on Logistic Revolution for the Reduction of Logistic Costs/1994, 127p.
  4. The Tariff Schedule of China, 1994/1994, 498p., 7,000won.
  5. Practical Guide to Labor Management for Enterprises Advancing to China/303p., 7,000won.
  6. GATT/Results of Negotiations on Government Procurement and the Direction of Amendments to Related Systems/1994, 114p.
  7. The Contents of the Revision of the Trade Financing System/1994, 46p.
  8. The Competitive Edge of Italy: A Realistic Approach/1994, 198p. 5,000won.
  9. The Contents of the Revision of Foreign Exchange Management Regulations/1994, 81 p., 7,000won.
  10. A Practical Guide to Export/Import Transportation/1994, 281p., 6,000won.
  11. The Impact of Overseas Direct Investment on Trade: A Case Study on Textiles, Footwear, and Toys/1994, 61p.
  12. Laws and Regulations Relative to Tariffs and Related Public Notices/1994, 1,102p., 12,000won.
  13. A Complete Guide to Import Controls of Major Advanced Countries/1994, 272p.
  14. Laws and Regulations Concerning Economic Exchanges Between North and South Korea/1994, 216p., 6,000won.


Published monthly by the Korea Trade Information Center, The Korea Foreign Trade Association. 159-1 Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: 82-2-551-5251, Fax: 82-2-551-5249

For further information, please mail to

159-1 Samsong-dong Kangnam-gu Seoul, Korea
zip code 158-729, phone 82-2-551-0114, fax 82-2-551-5161

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