March 1995 No. 1


Petrochemical Investment Up

Production in the first half of 1994 amounted to 3.9 million tons, up 9.0% over the same period of the previous year. By item, production of synthetic resins such as LDPE, HDPE, PP, PS, ABS, and PVC amounted to 2.8 million tons, up 9.2%; that of synthetic fiber raw materials such as TPA, DMT, EG, AN, and Caprolactam increased 7.8% to 1.0 million tons; and that of synthetic rubbers such as SBR and BR rose 13.2% to 129 thousand tons.

In the first half of 1994, the rate of increase of petrochemical product exports was down to 5.1% over the same period of 1993 because of the drop in oversupply resulting from domestic demand growth and voluntary reductions in production. The export of synthetic resins constituted the majority of total exports, 1.1 million tons a 5.1% increase. Synthetic rubbers realized a 29.7% export increase with 57.6 thousand tons. Synthetic fiber raw materials, however, experienced a drop in exports, down 15.9% to 43.4 thousand tons.

For more information, call the Basic Chemicals Industry Division of MOTIE at (02) 503-9466.

Semiconductors Lead Korean Electronics Industry

A closer look at industrial development in Korea, however, shows that while massive investment has given the appearance of an industrialized economy on the surface, structural problems and contradictions remain. However, an analysis of the domestic semiconductor industry shows that these problems can be satisfactorily addressed.

Since the demand for ASIC and other semiconductor products is expected to increase in the future, Korean companies should first secure competitiveness in the DRAM and other memory markets, then eventually concentrate on the development on non-memory product lines using technical know-how accumulated from memory product development. Individual companies should focus on the diversification of product portfolios, to minimize investment risk, and expand the scope of R&D activity.


Published monthly by the Korea Trade Information Center, The Korea Foreign Trade Association. 159-1 Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: 82-2-551-5251, Fax: 82-2-551-5249

For further information, please mail to

159-1 Samsong-dong Kangnam-gu Seoul, Korea
zip code 158-729, phone 82-2-551-0114, fax 82-2-551-5161

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