Message from the Chairman

Founded in 1946 by a small group of pioneer businessmen, the KFTA has grown to become Korea's leading economic organization, with a membership of 40,000 companies engaged in international trade. From its inception, the KFTA has been strongly committed to expanding Korea's foreign trade and enlarging Korea's role in the world economy. At a time when "internationalization" and "globalization" have become the watch-words of the nation's economic policy, these tasks are more important than ever before.

In practical terms, the Korea World Trade Center is designed to provide "one-stop" service to both domestic and overseas businessmen. Built by the KFTA and completed in 1988, the Center has gained a reputation as the hub of international trade activities in Korea. The KWTC consists of an office block called the Trade Tower, an exhibition complex, the City Air Terminal, convention facilities, a deluxe hotel, and a department store.

Pyong Hwoi Koo

For further information, please mail to

159-1 Samsong-dong Kangnam-gu Seoul, Korea
zip code 158-729, phone 82-2-551-0114, fax 82-2-551-5161

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