USA-Israel Sciense,Technology and Trade Relations

In March, 1993, United States President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin announced their intention to create the U.S.- Israel Science and Technology Commission. This was the first time a United States President undertook to be personally committed and involved in such an endeavor. It reflected the U.S. President's strong empathy with Israel, and his confidence in the mutual benefits such an enterprise could generate for both countries.

In his book, Putting People First, the President had given sincere expression to this faith by writing: "Israel's greatest resource has always been the genius of its people, and America has always benefited from that genius."

The Commission's mission has added a new dimension to scientific and technological cooperation between U.S. and Israeli high tech companies. The scope of both governments' commitment ensures that it can realize its ultimate objective: to promote the progress of commercial high technology in both countries, thus creating jobs for Americans and Israelis through the stimulation of economic development.

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