Marketing Division
The IEI's Marketing Division introduces you to Israel's diversified spectrum of industrial activities, technologies, products and systems. It serves as a link to the sector and manufacturers who can best serve your business interests. Whether you are a businessperson, journalist, member of a trade delegation or commercial group, the IEI has the information, contacts and expert personnel to put you in touch with the right people at the right time. Divided into industry-specific departments, each one staffed by professionals with extensive backgrounds and broad-based experience in their fields of endeavor, the Marketing Division is ideally positioned to promptly, and effectively, respond to your inquiries with relevant answers. Whether your market is at the cutting edge of today's dynamic technologies, such as biotechnology, lasers, electro-optics, automated inspection systems, sophisticated telecommunications, or you're engaged in one of the more traditional sectors, you'll find that the Marketing Division is an efficient, one-stop address for finding out everything you would like to know about Israel's manufacturing capabilities. The Marketing Division, however, is It provides you with an in-depth view of opportunities that can support your business objectives and expand your business horizons.

Industry-Wide Proinotions
In addition to liasing with overseas businesspersons, the Marketing Division consistently develops new channels which can advance Israel's exports. It organizes outgoing and incoming trade delegations; promotes joint ventures and organizes promotional events in Israel and abroad. In Israel, such events as Food Week, Jewelry Week, Medax, and Agritech attract buyers, manufacturers and journalists from all over the world. Abroad, chain store Israel Weeks, solo exhibitions, showrooms, distribution centers and other promotion outlets display Israel's capabilities to potential customers. Keep in mind, whenever your interests call for personalized assistance regarding Israeli industry, your contact at the IEI's Marketing Division is there to serve you so that your business relationship with Israel will develop smoothly and profitably. The following pages provide a brief overview of some of the sectors handled by the Marketing Division.

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