Directory of Internet User's Addresses in the Israeli Industrial R&D Sector

Editor:Jacob Bar
Matimop -
The Israeli Industry Center For R&D

Matimop is a non-profit organization focused on promoting israel's high-tech industry.

Matimop P.O.B. 50364 Tel-Aviv 61500
Telephone: 03-5170150 03-5175930 Fax: 03-5106724

Table of Contents

How to use the directory
Internet users' addresses directory in the isreli industrial R&D sector
Alphabetical index of companies arranged by main field of activity

How to use the directory

Dear User

In the directory you can find the following data
about each company listed (example below)

A. Company name
B. Field of activity
C. Name of the internet user in each company.
D. E-Mail address.
E. Telephone and fax numbers of the company

The directory also includes Alphabetical index :
Index of companies arranged by field of activity
(example below)

Each company in the directory is identified by a number.
The number is located to the right of the page number in each index entry.

An example of companies from the alphabetical index of Fields of activity:

Field of ActivityDetailed DescriptionNo.
Gamidor Molecular Biology 130
Israel Institute R&D in Biology & Chemistry160

Field of ActivityDetailed DescriptionNo.
American IsraeliRecycled paper & waste21

Using the directory:
Searching for an E-Mail address of an lnternet user:

In the appropriate alphabetical index, look for the company number and the
page on which the full E-Mail address is found.

You may use the index of Field of activity

Accurate Information
We did all the efforts in order to minimize the errors in the directory.

But, we know that people move inside a company and between companies,
so there may be address, phone and fax changes.
in order to eliminate the errors, we ask every user or company that find a
mistake to let us know the correct information. Sk), in the next directory all
the data will be accurate.

Please send the information to Jacob Bar:
or FAX:03-5106724

Jacob Bar

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