Frozen concentrated Jaffa juices

Main advantageSmall package volume, space saving.
The quantity of juice obtained is suited to the needs of the customer.
The juice obtained is of identical quality to freshly sqeezed juice.
Gat guarantees that the taste, color vitamins, aromas and all the
other natural components will be preserved for the entire shelf-life
of the product.
In frozen conditions, shelf-life of three years.
Can be mixed within seconds to make juice.

Types of concentrated juicesJaffa Orange Juice ConcentratePineapple and Orange Juice
Jaffa Grapefruit Juice concentrate
concentrateTropical 4 to 10 fruit
Jaffa Lemon Juice Concentrateconcentrate
Jaffa Mandarin Juice Ten-Fruit-Multi-Vitamine
Orange and Passion FruitConcentrated Nectars and Drinks
concentrateof above Products
Concentrated Tomato Juice.

Types of packaging 6 oz (17 cl) can from polystyrene. Available in 4-pack, 6-pack or individual - 24 cans per carton.
Composite 12 oz (34 cl) can - 12 cans per carton.
Plastic cups (individual portion), 1.76 oz (0.42 cl) x 4 or 8 cups, which can be seperated - 96 cups per carton.

1+3 ___________ 1+4
Dilution (in liters)12 oz1.402
6 oz0.751
1.76 oz0.17

20 ft. container ______ 40 ft. container
Container load palletizednon palletizedpalletized
12 oz241025204420
6 oz241025204420

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