Trade Point Tel-Aviv Israel Organization

Trade Point Israel is an operational body of the Trade Efficiency Association which main objectives are:
To provide actual traders information about business and market opportunities, potential clients and suppliers, trade regulations and requirements etc.:
To open to its clients a gateway to global network with the help of efficient and sophisticated telecommunication tools. At the Trade Point Israel market opportunities are targeted ,goverment formalities are cleared ,and business transactions are carried out. Trade Point Israel is the first information provider In Israel to establish effective access and use of Electronic Trade Opportunities (E.T.O.) system and at the same time it is the sole distributor of E.T.O. services in Israel, in cooperation with Trade Points all over the world through the Global Trade Point Network, under supervision of Trade Point Development Center(T.P.D.C.)
  1. To disseminate internatiolal business information from the Global Trade Point Network among Israeli companies.
  2. To disseminate information about Israeli companie's Products & Services through the Global Trade Point Network worldwide.
  3. To establish and maintain marketing relationships between the local small and mediumsized firms, interested in international commerce, with their potential clients all over the world.
  4. To ensure an influx of foreign investments into local industry in developent areas of Israel.


The Local Trade Efficiency Association of Israel was established as an un-profitable business association, and is a member of the International Federation of Trade Efficiency Associations (I.F.T.E.A.) of U.N.C.T.A.D. L.T.E.A. of Israel is a body which main objective is to respond, on the local level, to the urgent need of increasing the international awareness and effective application of information technology to trade, and to promote the use of models capable of reducing procedural costs in international trade. The basis for the activity of L.T.E.A. of Israel is United Nation International Symposium on Trade Efficiency, which is politically and strategically supported by Govermental Bodies and Social Institutions. L.T.E.A. of Israel is a trade efficiency facilitation centre, where all participants are dealing with foreign trade transactions (e.g. Ministries of Trade ,Industry and Agriculture, Israeli Export Institute ,State and Private Banks,Custom, Chambers of Commerce, Associations of Trades and Producers, Freightforwards, Insurance Companies etc.) are grouped together under a single institutional roof. L.T.E.A. of Israel serves the Israeli business community (Small and medium enterprises mostly) through trade facilitation and trade information services. For that purposes, L.T.E.A of Israel uses the Trade Point Israel, which is preparing and releasing specific on-line Products and services, and which is a main part of the Local Trade Efficiency Initiative.

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