Exchange Rates of Indonesian Rupiahs

The following table lists the Rupiah values of one unit of foreign currency (e.g. for US$, the table lists the value of US$ 1 in Rupiahs) for a selected list of countries. It is generated from The Global Network Navigator/Koblas Currency Converter.

                 One unit of == Rupiah

            1 Australia Dollar:	Rp.    1861.47
               1 Britain Pound:	Rp.    3522.24
               1 Canada Dollar:	Rp.    1702.79
              1 China Renminbi:	Rp.     278.90
              1 Finland Markka:	Rp.     492.05
                1 France Franc:	Rp.     448.77
                1 Germany Mark:	Rp.    1518.67
             1 Hongkong Dollar:	Rp.     301.07
                   1 Japan Yen:	Rp.      21.77
         1 Netherlands Guilder:	Rp.    1358.03
          1 New Zealand Dollar:	Rp.    1601.18
            1 Singapore Dollar:	Rp.    1654.04
                1 Sweden Krona:	Rp.     345.63
           1 Switzerland Franc:	Rp.    1858.67
               1 Taiwan Dollar:	Rp.      85.62
               1 Thailand Baht:	Rp.      92.23
        1 United States Dollar:	Rp.    2328.89

Last update: 16 May 1996

To give you an idea how much things cost in Rupiah, a decent homestay can cost as low as Rp. 7,500.- (approx. US$ 3) or a nice, small hotel for around Rp. 25,000 to Rp. 50,000 (approx. US$ 12 to US$ 25). Eating at a local street vendor (warung) may cost as little as Rp. 1,000 (approx. US$ 0.50), with decent restaurants varying from as little as Rp. 1,000 to around Rp. 10,000 for a nice meal (approx. US$ 0.50 to US$ 5). A Balinese decorative fan with hand-painted wayang motif may fetch Rp. 5,000 (approx. US$ 2.50). So, your money goes a long way...


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