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The West...

Near to Gilimanuk on the far west coast, is Cekik, most noted as the enterance to the Bali Barat National Park. Guides must be hired to tour the park, and tours may be arranged at the park headquarters.

Delod Berawah
Located on a peaceful rarely visited beach on the west coast of Bali.

The western seaport of Bali offers ferry services to and from Java. The ferries carry busses, which may be caught from any of the major cities of Bali. Western tourists rarely leave their busses in Gilimanuk whilst en-route to visit the fascinating sights of Java (which include the spectacular Mount Bromo). Ferry prices will normally be included in the price of any bus fare to Java, but may be purchased independent of a bus ticket for about Rp.1,000.

Located 72 km west of Denpasar, Medewi is a seldom visited rural area that offers one of Bali's best surfing experiences. Surfers and other visitors will find that there are not a wide range of accommodations or restaurants, but good surf, the rugged natural beauty and the relative isolation are the main attractions here.

Capital of the western part of Bali, Negara is rarely visited by western travellers, except during the annual bull racing season (usually in September or October). Bull races are contests between teams of two young bulls harnessed to a chariot, which is riden by a jockey who seems to hold onto the bull's tails for dear life as they career down the race course!

Winning is everything, and the owner of the winning team will earn great respect, For the winning jockey it is a ticket to stardom, and perhaps the chance to become national champion.

Of course, the bulls are treated with great care, and are fed elaborate diets containing all sorts of wonderful potions and secret ingredients in an effort to place the odds in the team's favor.

Being off the beaten track, Negara may offer some interesting possibilities, perhaps during a stayover whilst travelling to Java.

Bali Barat National Park
Covering around 70,000 acres, this off the track park is famous for the white starling (Leucopear Rothchildii) and the wild bull (Boss Javanicus). Park tours may only be arranged at the park office in Cekik and require a guide to be hired. Tours may be organised for half or full day, and overnight (staying in crude huts - bring mosquito protection). Costs range from Rp.10,000 to over Rp.30,000, plus Rp.2,000 for park admission.

To allow for an early start to a park trek, arrive at least one day in advance, book a guide in the park office at Cekik, and stay overnight in nearby Gilimanuk or Cekik.

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Copyright © 1995, Wayne Reid ( All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the permission of the author.

Last updated: January 5th 1996