The Bali Trade Point

The Firts Interactive Virtual Tourism Centre on the GTPNet

developed by UNTPDC in cooperation with PUSDATA and Bali Trade Point

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Weather chart...

Month Max temp Min temp Rain  Humidity Season Best
      (Deg. C) (Deg. C) (mm)  (%)             time

Jan   32       26       350   70       Wet    *
Feb   32       26       250   70       Wet    *
Mar   32       25       200   65       Wet    ***
Apr   34       25        80   60       Dry    *****
May   34       24       100   55       Dry    *****
Jun   33       22        50   50       Dry    *****
Jul   32       22        40   50       Dry    *****
Aug   33       23        30   45       Dry    *****
Sep   34       23        40   45       Dry    ****
Oct   35       24       100   50       Wet    ***1/2
Nov   35       25       125   55       Wet    ***
Dec   33       26       250   65       Wet    **

The star rating is a rough guide to indicate the best times to visit Bali. The more stars the better.

Please be aware that seasons vary, and that weather effects such as cyclones and storms may occur at any time of the year--there are no guarantees.

Rain may occur even during the dry season, and the humidity is generally high year-round, although it is very high during the hot wet season.

The mountainous central area is usually much cooler (especially overnight) and rarely suffers the extremes of the coastal areas, and offers a refuge for those who find the heat of the lowlands unbearable.

To assist those who are not metrically inclined...