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The Air Panas (Hot spring) bathing pools and temple at Banjar is a popular bathing place, so bring your swimming gear if you want to take a dip in the warm cascading mineral water pools. Nearby, through the village of Banjar Tega, and within walking distance is a Buddhist monastery (Wihara) that is also worth visiting.

Well known for the still active Mount Batur which erupted and consumed the original village of Batur in 1926, the town has been rebuilt on the crater rim. The lake views and temple are the main attractions today. One very popular activity is the pre-dawn hike to the mountain peak to catch the spectacular sunrise over the Java Sea. Local guides will take you for a negotiated fee.

The beautifully scenic lake Baratan with harmonious mountain panorama and lakeside temples. Several levels of accommodation are available in this cool mountain area, but they all tend to be expensive. The lake offers water skiing and boating activities, and a break from the heat of the lowlands.

Ideally located on the Western shore of lake Baratan, Chandikunning has the picturesque island temple of Pura Ulu Danau, and is only a short distance from the picturesque Bali Handara Country Club, one of the world’s great golf-courses. The accomodation in this area tends to be a little over-priced compared to other areas, but as the climate is far cooler it is worthwhile looking for a warm room with hot water (traditional mandi style bathrooms with icy-cold well water will add some vigour to your day!).

Breathtaking waterfall amongst what should be beautiful and natural surroundings, unfortunately spoiled somewhat by the persistent hawkers, and rubbish left by tourist bus loads.

On the agenda of almost every tour offered in Bali, Kintamani almost universally disappoints; the promises of fresh mountain air and views spoiled by the aggressive hawkers. The famous mountain-top restaurant is frankly terrible! Rides into the volcano crater can be organised, and although an uneventful trip is expected, the roads quite interestingly wind around, and sometimes over huge boulders.

Lovina Beach
A restful tourist area on the northern coast, most famous for its reef diving and snorkeling in the mirror smooth seas, and the dolphins that often race with the tour boats. The Lovina Beach area consists of several small villages that seem to start where the last one finished, although they are all spread quite thinly along the long beach strip.

This is an area that has developed significantly over the last five or ten years, however almost all of the many accommodation places remain as small family run losman or middle level bungalows. Wherever there are places to stay, there are always plenty of places to eat.

The Lovina Beach area.

While suitable for sunbathing, ufortunately, the black volcanic sand beaches in this area are not pristine and are generally unsuitable for swimming due to pollution. Additionally, some reports have it that the tourist boats that are supposed to be providing an experience of a life-time--a view of dolphins in their own habitat--tend to be chasing the unfortunate creatures to distress.

Known for its famous golf course, the "Bali Handara Country Club". This is set in the most beautiful gardens and the cool of the mountains is refreshing after the lowland heat and humidity. It is possible to change money at the club-house (but very expensive to play a round).

Literally meaning "the place for looking", this fascinating viewing spot overlooks the still active volcano crater and Lake Batur.

The principal town of Northern Buleleng District, and formerly the capital and major seaport of Bali, Singaraja is a busy city, and has a major bus station. The Gedong Kirtya Museum is known for its old manuscripts written on palmleaf. Few tourists stay in Singaraja, preferring to move westward to the Lovina beach area, however this city with its wide streets and major commercial centre which still shows signs of the centuries old Dutch influence may be of interest to the traveller as a transport interchange and for bank transactions etc.

Toya Bungkah
Set on the shores of Lake Batur, Toya Bungkah is known for its hot spring bathing pool. The drive across the crater in Mt. Batur reveals some amazing road-building techniques, although the spring itself is not spectacular.

An ancient village located on the eastern shore of Lake Batur, Trunyan has retained the traditions of lifecycle rituals and taboos that still fascinate visitors and anthropologists.

Yeh Sanih (Air Sanih)
Tranquil beach with fresh water spring and swimming pools. Simple accommodation and restaurants cater for the small number of visitors who stop over in this area. An interesting sight is that the temple carvings include some unusual sculptural details such as a vintage car, a man riding a bicycle, and an aerial dogfight!

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Copyright © 1995, Wayne Reid ( All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the permission of the author.

Last updated: January 5th 1996