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Central Bali...

The capital of the Central-Eastern Bangli District, a neat and very clean city with several beautiful temples, including Pura Puseh and the nearby Pura Kehen which is located a short walk from the city centre at the top of the hill.


Bangli is a city where the visitor can see a community largely unaffected by commercial tourism--in fact it is refreshing that there are hardly any concessions to tourists here.
The center of gold and silver shopping with artisans and traders making and selling their local craftworks. The local artists are famed for their delicate gold and fine filigree style silver work, which is very popular with visitors around the world. If you want, special pieces can be made to order.

Goa Gajah
An ancient Bhuddist hermitage and bathing place, with partially restored fountains and statues surrounding it. Goa Gajah is commonly known as the Elephant Cave, and features prominantly in the adjenda’s of most visitors to Bali. The popularity of this temple is well deserved however and it should not be missed.

For those who choose to stay in Ubud, Goa Gajah is a short bemo ride away, or the more energetic could consider walking or riding a bicycle, then visiting the nearby Yeh Pulu.

The capital of the Gianyar district, this is a neat city with open parklands and the very attractive palace residence of the former Raja. The main industry is weaving.

Well known for its quality woodcarvings and other handicrafts, Mas is on the map of most visitors to Bali. Here the masters teach the pupils the art of carving, including modern and traditional pieces. Topeng masks are very popular items, exhibiting a wide range of expressions, and make great souvenirs.

Best known for the Manusa Yadnya Museum and nearby Royal Pura Taman Ayun, a very scenic temple surrounded by a moat and some beautiful gardens. Cross the river by punt to visit the art centre and the riverside restaurant.

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Above: The beautiful Pura Taman Ayun, one of Bali’s finest temples is located in Mengwi.

On the road to Bedugal, Sangeh is most famous for its monkey forest, but be warned: these interesting creatures are not cuddly nor cute. The furry guardians of the temple and the sacred nutmeg forest will sense any food or even water that the unwary visitor is carying, and will steal anything they can get their paws on.

Famous around the world for its art and artists communities, its museums and cultural attractions, Ubud is a magnet for visitors from all backgrounds. Food and accommodations are available in all standards and price ranges. Many find this area one of the best for long walks in the countryside of Bali, including the monkey forest walk and the white herron walk among many others. Check here for more information about Ubud.

Famous for the Pura Penataran Sasih, which contains bronze a kettle-drum, said to be 2000 years old, as well as some other ancient burial artifacts.

Well known for the Holy Spring Temple and the State Palace on the hill.The holy spring in the temple's inner courtyard is said to have magical curative powers. Nearby bathing pools have cool clear water pouring from mossy spouts.
Yeh Pulu
The ancient bas relief carvings on the rock wall within walking distance of Goa Gajah, was rediscovered in 1925. Follow the trail that runs parallel to the road, via a tiny village and through the fields to be among the small percentage of travellers who visit this worthy sight.

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Copyright © 1995, Wayne Reid ( All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the permission of the author.

Last updated: January 5th 1996