United Nations Trade Point Development Centre UNTPDC


email: cmoreira@eto.geis.com

email operations: untpdc@urgento.gse.rmit.EDU.AU

GSE-Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Box 2476V

Melbourne Victoria 3001, Australia, tel: +613-96602681 fax:+613-96391105

The UNTPDC Africa Home Page has been designed to offer a comprehensive information service for African countries. From this page users can navigate to multiple databases and services available for Africa and get in direct contact with african enterprises and institutions. Expert groups on African issues are also presently under development together with several technologies to interrogate databases via email. In order to participate in the Africa Home Page project, individuals or organizations are invited to send us computer-readable material on Africa (text, word processor or html) together with pictures and videos. Selected sources of information will be published in this page at no cost providing reference and links to the original source.