STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Railwy, tramwy pass etc coaches not self-propelld PNC: 8605 TYP: Exporter of TNT: TXF: 1954 TXE: 954 TXS: MEDIUM LNG: EN CON: Ssangyong Corporation CTA: Mr. Duch Hwan Kim CTT: President COA: CPO BOX 409 COA: Seoul, 100-604 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/270-8114 FAX: 82/2/273-0981 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Railway or tramway freight cars, not self-propelld PNC: 8606 TYP: Exporter of TNT: TXF: 1954 TXE: 954 TXS: MEDIUM LNG: EN CON: Ssangyong Corporation CTA: Mr. Duch Hwan Kim CTT: President COA: CPO BOX 409 COA: Seoul, 100-604 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/270-8114 FAX: 82/2/273-0981 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or r stock PNC: 8607 TYP: Exporter of TNT: TXF: 1954 TXE: 954 TXS: MEDIUM LNG: EN CON: Ssangyong Corporation CTA: Mr. Duch Hwan Kim CTT: President COA: CPO BOX 409 COA: Seoul, 100-604 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/270-8114 FAX: 82/2/273-0981 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Essent oils; resinoids; terpenic by-products etc PNC: 3301 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Pyrotechnic articles, nesoi PNC: 360490 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Silver (incl prec plated), unwr, semimfr or powder PNC: 7106 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Sise mtls cld w silvr nt frth wkd thn smmnfctrd PNC: 7107 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Gold (incl plat plated), unwr, semimfr or powder PNC: 7108 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Go mtl or slr cld w gld nt frtr wkd th smmnfctrd PNC: 7109 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Platinum, unwrought, semimfr forms or in powder fm PNC: 7110 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Bs mtl a slv a gld cld w plat nt fr wkd th smnfctd PNC: 7111 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Articles of or clad with precious metal nesoi PNC: 7115 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Nickel bars, rods, profiles and wire PNC: 7505 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Nickle plates, sheets, strip and foil PNC: 7506 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Nickle tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings PNC: 7507 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Lead bars rods profiles and wire PNC: 7803 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Lead plates, sheets, strip, foil, powder & flakes PNC: 7804 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Lead pipes a tubes incl fittings therefor PNC: 7805 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Leher articles of lead, nesoi PNC: 7806 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire PNC: 7904 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Zinc plates, sheet, strip and foil PNC: 7905 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings PNC: 7906 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire PNC: 8003 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Tin plates, sheet and strip over 0.2 mm thick PNC: 8004 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Tin tubes and pipes incldg pipe a tube fittings PNC: 8006 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Tungsten (wolfram) & articles, incl waste & scrap PNC: 8101 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Molybdenum & articles thereof, incl waste & scrap PNC: 8102 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Tantalum & articles thereof, includ waste & scrap PNC: 8103 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Magnesium & articles thereof, incl waste & scrap PNC: 8104 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: STT: TPT: Electronic Trading Opportunity TPT: ETO System TPA: UNTPDC - Special Programme on TPA: Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD TPE: CMOREIRA@ETO.GEIS.COM TPE: DAT: 950529 SRC: Trade Poiont Development Centre, SRC: TPDC Special Programme for SRC: Trade Effician with the SRC: cooperation of Trade Point SRC: and online databases PNP: Cobalt mattes etc, cobalt & art, inc waste & scrap PNC: 8105 TYP: Sales Agent TNT: TXF: 1982 TXE: 6 TXS: SMALL LNG: EN CON: JUNIL TRADING COMPANY CTA: Mr. SEUNG-WOONG CHOI CTT: PRESIDENT COA: CPO BOX 3938 COA: Seoul, 100-639 COA: Korea TEL: 82/2/511-2051/5 FAX: 82/2/511-2061 COR: Korea COT: World FIN: