APPENDIX B. Data on Best Prospects Comments 1. Agricultural Machinery and Chemicals: Agriculture remains the sector most likely to provide growth and increased income in Zambia. Planted area for most crops is increasing each year. Years of under investment in the sector has created a pent up demand for equipment. Relatively low yields and problems with pests and disease create markets for fertilizers vaccines, pesticides and other products. 2. Agroprocessing equipment: The increased focus on agriculture production and the restructured economy which favors manufacturing which uses domestic raw materials has increased the demand for agroprocessing equipment, especially in food processing. The Commercial section of the embassy gets a steady stream of inquiries about food processing equipment. Packaging is a clear need in the country. 3. Computers and Accessories: The U.S. is clearly the first choice source for computer equipment and an area where we are considered to be most the competitive. 4. Medical Equipment and Supplies: The health sector is garnering the most donor support of any social sector. Local businesses see a good market in pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. The AIDS epidemic is creating a high demand for health services in urban areas. 5. Mining Equipment: After many years of little development in the mining sector, exploration is increasing and a number of expansion projects are under consideration. Reform of the mining code and the addition of mining to the investment code should open up the mining sector to more activity, reinvigorating the market for mining equipment. 6. Used vehicles: A variety of Zambian businesses claim that used and/or reconditioned cars, trucks and busses would find a ready market in Zambia.