TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. COMMERCIAL OVERVIEW / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 Overview of Import Market Synopsis of Commercial Environment Venezuela and the United States Major Business Opportunities Major Roadblocks to Doing Business Nature of Local and Third Country Competition II. LEADING TRADE PROSPECTS FOR U.S. BUSINESS 7 III. ECONOMIC TRENDS AND OUTLOOK 8 Major Trends and Outlook Principal Growth Sectors Government Role in the Economy Balance of Payments Trade and Investment Barriers Major Local and Third Country Competitors by Sector Infrastructure: Distribution of Goods and Services Major Infrastructure Projects Underway IV. POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT 13 V. MARKETING U.S. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 14 Distribution and Sales Channels Use of Agents/Distributors; Finding a Partner Franchising Direct Marketing Joint Ventures/Licensing Steps to Establishing an Office Selling Factors/Techniques Advertising and Trade Promotion Pricing Products Service and Customer Support Selling to the Government Protecting Your Product from IPR Infringement Need for a Local Attorney VI. TRADE REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS 25 Tariffs and Import Taxes Customs Valuation Import Licenses Export Controls Import/Export Documentation Temporary Entry Labeling and Marking Requirements Prohibited Imports Standards Free Trade Zones / Warehouses Special Import Provisions Member in Free Trade Arrangements VII. INVESTMENT CLIMATE 31 Openness to Foreign Investment Conversion and Transfer Policies Expropriation and Compensation Dispute Settlement Performance Requirements / Incentives Right to Private Ownership and Establishment Patent, Trademark and Property Protection Regulatory System: Laws and Procedures Capital Markets and Portfolio Investment Political Violence Bilateral Investment Agreements OPIC and Other Investment Insurance Programs Labor Foreign Trade Zones / Free Ports Capital Outflow Policy Major Foreign Investors VIII.TRADE AND PROJECT FINANCING 45 The Banking System Foreign Exchange General Financing Availability How to Finance Exports / Methods of Payment Types of Available Export Financing and Insurance Project Financing Available List of Banks with U.S. Correspondents IX. BUSINESS TRAVEL 50 Business Customs Travel Advisory and Visas Holidays Business Infrastructure APPENDICES PAGE A. COUNTRY DATA 55 1. PROFILE 2. DOMESTIC ECONOMY 3. TRADE 4. INVESTMENT B. BEST PROSPECTS FOR INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE 57 MATRIX OF BEST PROSPECTS WITH COMMENTS C. U.S. AND COUNTRY CONTACTS 69 D. MARKET RESEARCH 85 E. TRADE EVENT SCHEDULE 87