A. COUNTRY DATA At its maximum dimensions, the United Kingdom is 600 miles long and 300 miles wide. It has a total area of 94,000 square miles, approximately the size of the state of Oregon. With nearly 58 million people and one of the world's highest population densities (580 persons per square mile), the United Kingdom represents a compact market for U.S. products. Four out of five inhabitants in England live in urban (and suburban) areas. In Scotland and Wales, the number of city dwellers is not as high, while in Northern Ireland the numbers of people living in cities and rural areas are almost equal. England's population is 48 million (83 % of the U.K.'s total), Scotland's is 5.2 million (9%), Wales's is 3 million (5%), and Northern Ireland's is 1.6 million (3%). 1. PROFILE - POPULATION - 57.7 million - POPULATION GROWTH RATE - 0.12 Percent - RELIGION - Church of England (official); other Christian denominations; Islam; Jewish - GOVERNMENT SYSTEM - Constitutional Monarchy - LANGUAGES - English - WORK WEEK - Monday-Friday, 08:30-17:30 2. DOMESTIC ECONOMY Figures expressed in US$ billions except where noted. 1993 1994 1995 (est.) (est.) GDP (nominal) 940.7 996.8 1,057.8 GDP Real Growth rate 1995 (%) 2.0 2.3 2.7 GDP per capita (in US$) 16,220 17,186 18,237 Government spending as a percent of GDP 42.2 41.3 40.9 Inflation (%) 1.6 2.8 3.5 Unemployment (%) 10.4 9.6 8.9 Foreign Exchange Reserves 37.0 38.0 n/a Avg. exchange rate per $1.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 Foreign debt. n/a n/a n/a Debt Service Ratio. n/a n/a n/a Note: The UK MoD does not receive financial military assistance from the U.S. Government. U.S. Government military assistance is rendered through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process and granting of licenses and technology transfer requests for U.S. industry in direct commercial sale arrangements. The UK pays for this assistance through its own defense budgeting process. 3. TRADE Figures expressed in US$ billions except where noted. 1993 1994 1995 (est.) (est.) -Total UK Exports 181.259 191.076 208.170 -Total UK Imports 201.779 215.112 234.981 -U.S. Exports to UK 26.40 28.51 30.79 -U.S. Imports from UK 21.80 22.67 23.58 -U.S. Share of UK's imports (%) 13.1 13.2 13.1 Imports/Merchandise: -Total (from world) 173.60 1200.9* 219.5 -U.S. Share of Manufactured Imports (%) Not Available -Manufactured Goods Trade Balance with U.S. Not Available -Projected Avg. Annual growth rate from world through 1996 (%) 11.8 16.1 9.3 -Projected Avg. Annual Growth rate from U.S. through 1996 (%) Not Available * January through May annualized. Imports of Agricultural Goods. 1993 1994 1995 (est.) (est.) - Total from World 18.40 18.4 18.4 - Total from U.S. 0.90 0.90 0.92 - U.S. share of ag. imports (%) 4.9 4.9 5.0 - Agricultural goods trade balance with the U.S. **0.665 **0.665 **0.683 ** Excluding fish and wood products. Trade Flows (with U.S.): Imports of agricultural products in 1993 totalled US$18.4 billion (US$0.9 billion) and agricultural exports, US$8.1 billion (US$0.3 billion). Trade Balance with 3 leading partners (Tariff section 0 only - food & live animals): US$ millions 1993 Country Imports Exports Balance EU 10,410 5,778 (4,632) U.S. 829 261 (368) Russia 31 248 217 Principal U.S. agricultural exports to UK - 1993 Item Value Fruits & Vegetables 300,488 Corn Gluten Feed 75,433 Soybeans 68,846 Nuts 52,634 Wine 39,209 Principal U.S. imports from UK - 1993 Item Value Fruits & Vegetables 85,961 Cocoa & Products 24,845 Cheese 23,345 4. INVESTMENT Investment (US$ billions, except as noted, at US$1.50 per British pound) 1991 1992 Tot. foreign dir. investment 166.6 171.8 U.S. direct investment 66.7 68.9 U.S. direct investment (pct.) 40.0 40.1 Principal foreign investors: U.S., Germany, France (Sources: UK Central Statistical Office)