Appendix A. Country Data (source of data in footnotes) 1. Profile a. Population: 18 million 5 b. Population growth rate: 2.5% per annum 1 c. Religions: 4 Christian (66%), Muslim (15%) and local religions or no religion (19%). d. Government system: 4 The President is the head of state, head of the military, and chair of the highest legislative body, the National Resistance Council (NRC). Below the NRC is a hierarchy of elected district, county, subcounty, parish and village Resistance Councils (RC's). Uganda also has a complex hierarchy of courts, developed under British rule. A new constitution, which could alter these structures, is currently being debated by the Constituent Assembly, and should be ratified in late 1994. e. Languages:4 English is the official language and is used extensively for business, other languages include three major language families: Bantu, Central Sudanic and Nilotic. The most common local language in the Kampala area is Luganda. Swahili is also widely spoken. f. Work week: Monday through Friday. Shops and some businesses are open Saturday morning. 2. Domestic Economy (1993/1994/1995 estimate, USD millions) FY 1992/93 FY 1993/94 FY 1994/95 a. GDP 2 3,476 3,924 4,379 b. GDP growth rate 2 7.0 5.0 5.0 c. GDP per capita: $170 1 d. Government spending as percent of GDP 2 20.6 21.1 20.6 e. Inflation (%) 2 Year end basis: -0.6 9.0 5.0 Annual average: 28.3 7.5 6.3 f. Unemployment (%) Not available. g. Foreign exchange reserves (In months of imports) 2 3.0 3.8 3.9 h. Average exchange rate for USD 1.00 3 Official: 1,201.75 1,102.9 i. Foreign debt 3 140.61 176.17 111.65 j. Debt service ratio (ratiof of principal and interest payments on foreign debt to foreign income) 2 Inc. fund obligations 82.6 66.4 55.6 Exc. fund obligations 76.2 65.6 45.3 3. Trade (estimate in USD millions) NOTE: figures on 1993 are not available and estimates for 1994 and 1995 are not available; 1990/1991/1992 figures are provided. 1990 1991 1992 a. Total country exports 3 190,102 196,009 156,563 b. Total country imports 3 551,095 522,689 524,433 c. U.S. exports 3 19,348 19,708 13,961 d. U.S. imports 3 31,034 15,300 25,314 e. U.S. share of host country imports (%) 3 5.6 2.9 4.8 f. Imports of manufactured goods (total) from world Not available. g. Imports of manufactured goods from U.S. Not available. h. U.S. share of manufactured imports (%) Not available. i. Manufactured goods trade balance with U.S. Not available. j. Projected average annual growth rate from world through 1996 Not available. k. Projected average annual growth rate from U.S. through 1996 Not available. l. Imports of agricultural goods (total) from world Not available. m. Imports of agricultural goods from the U.S. Not available. n. U.S. share of agricultural imports Not available. o. Agricultural goods trade balance with U.S. Not available. Trade balance with three leading partners in 1993 (US$ '000) 3 Imports Exports Balance Kenya 118,357 16,035 -102,322 United Kingdom 52,186 20,767 -31,419 Japan 51,674 984 -50,690 Principal U.S. exports (top 5 by 4-digit tariff item) Not available. Principal U.S. imports (top 5 by 4-digit tariff item) Not available. Sources: (1) Growing Out of Poverty, World Bank Report No. 113800-UG, March 31, 1993. (2) IMF Staff Report for the 1993 Article IV Consultation, 11/1/93. Note: FY 1992/93 data is estimated, FY 1993/94 and 1995/96 are projected. (3) Background to the Budget, 1994-1995, June, 1994. (4) Uganda: a country study, Area Handbook Series, U.S. Library of Congress, December 1990. (5) Key Economic Indicators, January 1994. 4. Investment (Investment Climate Statement) See section VII.