Appendix B Best Prospects for Agriculture and Industry Sector Exports Agriculture The GOT, in response to the 1993/94 drought, will increase imports of cereals and other agricultural products to cover basic food needs. GOT estimated cereals imports in the July 1994 - June 1995 period will reach at least $300 million, compared to a $130 million annual average. Higher than average cereals imports will likely continue through 1996, because Tunisia will need to replenish its strategic cereals reserves. The drought has also devastated Tunisian animal fodder production, creating opportunities for corn, barley and soya animal feeds sales. Other best prospects for U.S. agricultural related exports include: -- Cotton (Especially if Tunisia lifts a discriminatory 17% tariff on U.S. cotton) -- Bull Semen -- Lumber/Finished Wood Products -- Grain Silos/Elevators Industry 1. A breakdown of U.S. exports to Tunisia by product for 1993 is not yet available. 1992 U.S. exports to Tunisia were $232.5 million and increased to $363.2 million in 1993. This is the biggest annual increase recorded. Leading U.S. exports to Tunisia in 1992 (in $ millions) were as follows: Mechanical Equipment 57.6 (Turboreactors, Pumps, Compressors, Filtering Equipment, Earthmoving Equipment, Data Processing) Cereals 45.7 (Wheat, Corn) Vegetable Oils 36.5 (Soya Bean Oil) Aircraft 28.2 Electrical Equipment 17.4 (Transmission Equipment) Optical, Photographic 13.8 (Navigational Apparatus) Iron and Steel Articles 10.8 (Pipes and Tubing) This breakdown is fairly consistent with the structure of U.S. exports to Tunisia in previous years and distribution per sector for 1993 is likely to be similar. Since early 1993, we have been actively promoting the sale of medical, dental, hotel and agricultural equipment via visits of Tunisian delegations to U.S. trade shows and we expect the success of this to be reflected in U.S. exports to Tunisia from 1993. Apart from these sectors, heavy equipment and telecommunications equipment look to be the best prospects for U.S. sales in Tunisia.