V. Marketing U.S. Products and Services Distribution and Sales Channels Tunisia's distribution and sales channels are similar to those in many other countries, with options for wholesale or retail marketing. Most activity occurs in the major coastal cities, i.e. Tunis, Sfax, Sousse-Monastir, and Bizerte. Agents / Distributors Agents/distributors can be an important help in introducing products into Tunisia. Knowledge of the local market and local contacts can mean the difference between success and failure. The key, however, is to find the right one. Embassy Commercial Section can provide advice on reputable contacts. Franchising Franchising is new to Tunisia. Pizza Hut introduced the concept with the opening of a Tunis branch in 1994. There is growing interest in the idea and many Tunisian entrepreneurs are seeking contacts with American companies. Direct Marketing Direct marketing offers certain advantages. Companies can avoid the sometimes lengthy process of looking for a suitable representative. However, it does require a local presence to follow through on details. Joint Ventures There are several successful examples of joint ventures in Tunisia. Business common sense, however, must be exercised. Companies should be rigorous in selecting a partner. It is important, too, to ensure a controlling share of the ensuing company. Licensing agreements tend to work well. Periodic visits are necessary to follow through on quality control and other standards. Establishing an Office Establishing an office is a relatively simple task. The Agency for the Promotion of Industry (API) has the designated investment promotion role in the Tunisian government. It offers a "one stop shop" service to investors seeking to set up in Tunisia. Generally, it takes approximately two weeks to complete all the necessary work. Companies should get the advice of a local lawyer before starting the process. Many commercial lawyers have specialized staff who can handle the details with API or other ministries. The Embassy maintains a list of reputable, English- speaking attorneys. Advertising and Trade Procurement French is Tunisia's main commercial language. Major newspapers include the French language dailies, "La Presse" and "Le Temps." Most businesses use "La Presse" for advertising. Product Pricing Pricing in Tunisia is similar to that in the United States. U.S. companies should keep in mind that, like Americans, Tunisians are extremely price competitive. Customer Support One major complaint Tunisians have about American products is the lack of after sales service and customer support. Those firms, like Caterpillar, that offer extensive service have been very successful and maintain large market share. Selling to the Government U.S. companies have recently scored several important successes in selling to the Tunisian government. Companies seeking to compete in a government tender must be prepared to submit offers in French. The tender process in Tunisia is rigorous; companies must meet tender specifications precisely. In addition to technical requirements, companies should usually be prepared to include some type of local content and to address financing issues. The whole process can be quite extended. Each offer is thoroughly examined and given a weighted score by the responsible ministry. Offers are then reviewed by the Commission Superieur du Marche (CSM), an interministerial committee responsible for examining and approving all offers. The CSM makes the final recommendation and for major contracts the offer is endorsed by the Prime Minister. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Tunisia's patent and trademark laws provide excellent protection for duly registered owners. American businesses are guaranteed treatment equal to that afforded to Tunisian nationals in the area of patents. Need for a Local Attorney The Embassy strongly recommends consulting with a local attorney early on. Tunisian law is based in many cases on its French counterpart and contains nuances unfamiliar to American businesses. A list of Tunisian lawyers specializing in commercial matters can be obtained from the U.S. Embassy.