Appendix A Country data For Trinidad and Tobago 1. Profile Population: 1.2 million Population growth rate: 0.8 percent Religions: Christian - 70 percent (Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Evangelical) Hindu - 24 percent Muslim - 6 percent Government system: Parliamentary democracy Language: English Work week: Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm 2. Domestic economy (millions of US Dollars/1 unless otherwise indicated) 1993 1994/2 1995/3 GDP 4607.6 4745.8 4888.2 Real TT$ GDP growth (pct) -1.5 3.0 3.0 Per capita GDP 3846.4 3922.1 4006.7 Government spending As percent of GDP 16.5 17.0 16.0 Inflation (pct) 10.8 11.0 9.0 Unemployment (pct) 19.9 19.0 18.0 Foreign exchange reserves 207.4 213.6 220.0 Average exchange rate -for USD 1.00 5.6 5.9 6.2 Foreign debt 2095.6 1900.0 1520.0 Debt service ratio 33.9 30.0 30.0 US Econ/mil assistance 0.6 0.15 0.0 /1 - statistics provided by the GOTT's central bank. /2 - 1994 statistics based on projections of first quarter results. /3 - 1995 statistics are projected estimates.3. Trade (millions of US Dollars/1) 1993 1994/2 1995/3 Total T&T exports 1524.0 1933.9 2050.0 Total T&T imports 1325.3 996.9 1086.7 Total imports from US 530.4 470.5 543.4 Total exports to US 700.9 874.1 926.6 US Share of host country Imports (pct) 40.0 47.2 50.0 Imports of mfg goods: --total 1148.4 864.3 953.7 --from the US 459.6 414.8 484.5 --US Share (pct) 40.0 47.9 50.8 --mfg goods trade balance With US 165.9 N/A N/A --projected average ann. Growth rate from world (pct) (4.9) (24.7) 10.0 --projected average ann. Growth rate from US (Pct) (4.9) (9.7) 14.0 Imports of agricultural goods: --total 176.9 132.6 133.0 --from the US 70.8 55.7 59.9 --US Share (pct) 40.0 42.0 45.0 --agricultural goods trade Balance with US 16.6 N/A N/A Trade balance with three leading partners in 1993: --US 170.5 --Venezuela (220.0) --UK. (76.8) /1 - trade information is supplied by the GOTT's central statistical office and may differ from US Dept. Of commerce statistics because of accounting practices. 1993 statistics are provisional. /2 - figures for 1994 are based on first quarter results /3 - figures for 1995 are projected estimates Principal US Exports (US Dept of Commerce data) Harmonized code 8431 - machinery parts 1201 - soybeans 1001 - wheat 8905 - light-vessels, fire-floats etc; 8430 - heavy machinery Principal US Imports 2709 - crude oil 2710 - oil (not crude) 2714 - ammonia 3802 - mineral or chemical nitrogeneous fertilizers 7213 - iron and steel bars & rods 4. Investment: See section vii on investment climate.