APPENDIX A COUNTRY DATA 1. Country Profile 1993 1994 1995 Population: 26.6 27.3 28.1 (millions) Growth Rate: 2.8 2.8 2.8 (Percentage) Religions: Catholic, Lutheran, Islam, Pentecostal, Anglican, Methodist. Government System: Multi-party Democracy with Executive Presidency. Language: Kiswahili and English (Official Languages.) Work Week: Monday to Friday. Sources: Central Statistics. 2. DOMESTIC ECONOMY 1993 1994 1995 GDP Growth 3,714 3,326 3,419 GDP Growth Rate 3.2 4.1 2.8 GDP per capita (USD) 133 135.4 137.7 Gov. Spending % as of GDP 31.5 31.5 31.5 Inflation 23.5 20.0 15.0 Foreign Exch. Reserves 180.0 220.2 216.5 Average Exch. Rate $ 1.00 350.0 400.0 450.0 Foreign Debt 6205.0 7415.6 8618.2 Debt Service Ratio 340.7 381.3 390.1 U.S. Economic Assistance 28.0 28.0 28.0 U.S. Military Assistance - - - Note: Figures for 1994 are estimates. Figures for 1995 are projections. Sources: Planning Commission Bank of Tanzania U.S. AID 3. TRADE FIGURES 1993 1994 1995 (In Million of U.S. Dollars) Exports (fob) 423.0 440.6 490.8 Imports (cif) 1541.0 1800.2 2000.6 U.S. Exports (fas) 37.1 39.2 42.8 U.S. Imports (cif) 27.9 32.0 38.6 U.S. Share of TZ Expts.(%) 6.6 6.9 7.2 U.S. Share of TZ Impts.(%) 2.4 2.5 2.9 Principal U.S. Exports (in thousands of U.S. dollars): Commodity 1990 1991 1992 Jan-June 1993 Corn - - 2,138 3,957 Used merchandise 3,650 5,940 7,325 3,122 Manufactured commodity 2,805 2,145 4,269 1,458 Construction equips. 1,597 1,400 847 1,038 Farm machinery & equips 1,194 1,646 525 944 Petroleum refinery prod. 44 238 1,115 903 Aircraft equipment 716 604 654 408 Internal combus. engine 1,826 612 161 307 Radio, TV, B/cast. equip. 549 515 738 250 Fabricated rubber prods. 1,595 1,138 793 191 Aircraft 150 88 3,805 81 Railroad equipment 21,922 4,823 91 91 Principal U.S. Imports (in thousands of U.S. dollars): Commodity 1990 1991 1992 Jan-June 1993 Cordage 2,830 2,474 3,014 1,728 Fruits and tree nuts 1,059 1,575 797 1,484 Forestry products 1,934 2,668 1,249 560 Jeweler & Lapidary work 2,027 189 549 239 Broad woven fab. cotton 1,265 1,117 243 156 Salted and roasted nuts 3,552 4,638 3,327 82 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce.