VI. TRADE REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS Trade regulations in force include the requirement for pre-shipment inspections for goods whose value exceeds U.S. dollar 1,000.00 at the point of origin to determine value and the payable duty and tax. Recent trade reforms have abolished import and export licenses except for goods deemed sensitive for health and security reasons. There are no specific standard requirements other than those normally expected of different types of products. Tariff and Import Taxes All imports into mainland Tanzania are liable to payment of import duty and sales tax. Imports for members of diplomatic corps and specified U.N. agencies are exempted. For Zanzibar, only commercial imports are subjected to duty and tax. For the purposes of determining payable duty and tax, the value of goods exceeding U.S. dollar 1,000.00 is assessed by two independent inspecting firms. Effective January 1994, custom duty and sales tax base was changed as follows: Customs: Old base: 0, 10, 20 and 40 percent New base: 5, 25, 30 and 40 percent Sales tax:Old base: 0, 10, 20 and 30 percent New base: 0, 25 and 30 percent Customs Valuation Effective April 1, 1994, customs valuation is based on the findings of the inspecting firms which are required to undertake preshipment inspections on all imported goods whose value exceeds U.S. dollar 1,000.00. Import Licenses Import licenses have been abolished except for goods which have to be monitored for health and security reasons. Export Controls There are no export controls other than for protected wild animals. Import/Export Documentation The documentation for imports is specified import declaration forms (IDF) while CD3 forms are the documentation for exports. Temporary Entry The department of customs permits entry of machinery equipment and vehicles on temporary entry. Prior permission must however be obtain upon providing customers with a written request and a proof that the product in question will be taken out or duty and tax paid in case it sold. Labelling, Marking Requirement Standard labeling and marking currently in force are acceptable. Prohibited Imports There are none. Standards (e.g. ISO 9000 Usage) There are none. Free Trade Zones/Ware Houses I) Free Trade Zones: Zanzibar, a part or the union of Tanzania is in the process of establishing Free Trade Zone. II) Warehouse: A number of warehouses are available in Dar es Salaam and these are used as transit depots for the land-locked countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Eastern Zaire, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique. Bonded warehouses are also available and are currently in use by importers who want to hold products and goods until duty and tax is paid by the buyers. Special Import Provisions The only imports which enjoys special provisions are imports destined to Zanzibar and imports for diplomatic community which does not pay import duty and sales tax. Membership in Free Trade Arrangements Tanzania is a member of SADCC and PTA.