IX. Business Travel A passport is required for entry into Swaziland. Visas are not required of tourists planning to stay less than 60 days. Temporary residence permits are issued in Mbabane. For longer stays visitors must report to immigration authorities or to a police station within 48 hours of arrival if they are not lodged in a hotel. Yellow Fever and Cholera immunizations are required if the visitor is arriving from an infected area, anti-malarial treatment is recommended. Medical facilities are limited. Doctors and hospitals often expect immediate cash payment for health services. Not all U.S. medical insurance is valid outside the United States. Supplemental medical insurance with specific overseas coverage has proved to be useful. Petty street crime, primarily theft of money and personal property, occurs with some frequency. U.S. citizens who register at the U.S. Embassy in Mbabane may obtain updated information on travel and security in Swaziland. The Embassy is located in the Central Bank Building on Warner Street in the capital city of Mbabane. The Mailing address is P.O.Box 199, Mbabane, Swaziland. The Embassy telephone number is (268) 46441/5; the FAX number is (268) 25959. Swazi Holidays 1994 January 1 Saturday New Year's Day April 1 Friday Good Friday April 4 Monday Easter Monday April 19 Tuesday King Mswati III's Birthday April 25 Monday National Flag Day May 12 Thursday Ascension Day July 22 Friday Public Holiday Aug/Sep to be determined Umhlanga (Reed Dance) September 6 Tuesday Independence Day December 25 Sunday Christmas Day December 26 Monday Boxing Day Dec/Jan to be determined Incwala Swaziland holidays falling on a Sunday are observed in the following Monday. Swaziland Holidays falling on a Saturday are observed on that day unless an announcement to the contrary is made by the Government.