V. Marketing U.S. Products and Services In consumer goods and services, the Swazi market is in itself too small to merit much attention and no longer enjoys an advantage as a trading depot to the South African market. Thus, where market size is important it is best to approach the Swazi market for the sale of goods and services for fairly general use throughout South Africa and the region. Because of this, information about marketing U.S. products and services in Swaziland should be directed at conditions in South Africa and the region. In marketing products and services to the government and other public authorities conditions can be different. Generally one should not expect a steady flow of sales (in flexible and variable amounts,) but occasional opportunities for once-off sales of considerable size do arise. Information on such opportunities is easily available if not actively broadcast. The American Mission in Swaziland in its daily business gets a fair overview of what opportunities exist. The Embassy welcomes the opportunity to direct interested American parties to the relevant authorities and decision makers and actively seeks to secure fair consideration of American offers of goods and services.