Appendix C - U.S. AND COUNTRY CONTACTS United States Embassy in Spain Address: Serrano 75 28006 Madrid tel: (34-1) 577-4000 fax: (34-1) 577-5735 Mailing Address: American Embassy (from the U.S.) PSC#61 APO AE 09642 Ambassador: Richard N. Gardner Deputy Chief Of Mission: David N. Greenlee Counselor for Agricultural Affairs: Franklin Lee Counselor for Cultural Affairs: Brian Carlson Counselor for Economics Affairs: Emil Castro Counselor for Political Affairs: Richard Ogden Defense Attache: Capt. James Tinsley III Office of Defense Cooperation: Col. Judy George U.S.& Foreign Commercial Service Address: Serrano 67, 4th floor 28006 Madrid tel: (34-1) 576-0602 fax: (34-1) 575-8655 Mailing Address: American Embassy (from the U.S.) FCS Madrid PSC#61, Box 21 APO AE 09642 Counselor for Commercial Affairs: Emilio Iodice Commercial Attach : Rajendra Dheer Commercial Consul (Barcelona): Dorothy Lutter Assistant Commercial Attach : Janice Corbett Country Desk Mary Beth Double Spain and Portugal Desk Officer U.S. Department of Commerce tel: (202) 482-5341 fax: (202) 482-2897 SPANISH BANKS ARGENTARIA Corporacion Bancaria de Espa a Contact: Mr. Francisco Luzon President Paseo de Recolestos, 10 28004 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 537-7000 BANESTO Contact: Mr. Alfredo Saenz President Paseo de la Castellana, 7 28046 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 338-1000 BANCO CENTRAL HISPANO Contact: Jose Mar a Amusategui President Alcala, 49 28014 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 522-4040 Fax: (34-1) 521-9703 BANCO DE ESPA A Contact: Mr. Luis Angel Rojo Governor Alcala, 50 28014 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 338-5000 BANCO GUIPUZCOANO Contact: Mr. Jose Maria Aguirre PresidentPaseo de la Castellana 77 28046 Madrid BANCO HIPOTECARIO DE ESPA A Contact: Mr. Carlos Llara Director General Paseo de Recoletos, 10 28001 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 575.46.00 BANCO DE BILBAO-VIZCAYA Contact: Mr. Emilio de Ybarra Presidente Paseo de la Castellana, 81 28046 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 374 80 00 BANCO DE MADRID Contact: Mr. Jose Luis Fominaya Presidente Carrera de San Jeronimo, 13 28014 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 429-2443 BANCO POPULAR ESPANOL Contact: Mr. Luis Valls Taberner Presidente Alcala, 26 28014 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 435-3620 BANCO DE SANTANDER Contact: Mr. Emilio Botin Sainz de Sutuola Presidente Paseo de la Castellana 75 28046 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 435-0455 CAJA DE MADRID Contact: Mr. Jaime Terceiro Lomba Presidente Plaza de Celenque, 2 - 2da. 28013 Madrid Tel: 532-0000 AMERICAN BANKS IN SPAIN BANK OF AMERICA, S.A.E. Contact: Mr. Ralph Schauss President and Director General Capitan Haya 1 28020 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 455-6600 BANKERS TRUST COMPANY Contact: Mr. Angel Garcia Altozano General Manager Paseo de la Castellana 31 28046 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 538-7500 CHASE BANK ESPANA Contact: Mr. Timothy W. Davis General Director C/ Peonias 2, planta 7 28042 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 321-9100 CITIBANK, N.A. Mr. Amador Huertas y Ortega President for Spain and Portugal Jose Ortega y Gasset 29 28006 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 431.3479 CITIBANK ESPA A, S.A. Mr. Rafael Gil Tienda Presidente Country Corporate Officer Avenida de Europa, 19 Parque Industrial La Moraleja Alcobendas Madrid Tel: (34-1) 663-1100 CHEMICAL BANK ESPANA Contact: Mr. Jose A. Garay Manager Director Paseo de la Castellana 51 28046 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 349-2800 NEW YORK CHEMICAL BANK Contact: Ms. Amparo Garcia De Cuadro Vice President (Representative Office) Paseo Castellana, 51 28046 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 349-2800 Morgan Guaranty Trust of New York Contact: Mr. Victor Arbulu General Manager & Vice President Jose Ortega y Gasset, 29 28006 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 435-6041 Fax: (34-1) 577-5814 CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO, INDUSTRIA Y NAVEGACION (Higher Council of Chambers of Commerce) Contact: Mr. Guillermo de la Dehesa Presidente Claudio Coello 19 28006 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 575-3400 Fax: (34-1) 435-2392 CAMARA OFICIAL DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA DE MADRID Contact: Mr. Adrian Piera Jimenez Presidente Huertas 13 28012 Madrid Tel: (34-1) 538-3500 Fax: (34-1) 538-3677 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. Jose A. Manrique Executive Director Av. Diagonal 477 08036 Barcelona tel: (34-3) 405-1266 fax: (34-3) 405-3124 SPAIN US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. Andrew Whist President Spain U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 500 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10110 Tel: (212) 354-7848 Mr. Kevin Callahan Executive Director Spain U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 500 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10110 Tel: (212) 354-7848 MEDIA PRISA Gran Via, 32 - Tercero 28013 Madrid GRUPO ZETA O'Donnell, l2 28001 Madrid GRUPO 16 Hermanos Garcia Noblejas, 41 28037 Madrid DIALOGOS Jose Abascal, 57 - 5B 28003 Madrid EL PAIS Miguel Yuste, 40 28037 Madrid EL MUNDO Pradillo, 42 28002 Madrid ABC Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7 28027 Madrid ABC - BLANCO Y NEGRO Juan Ingacio Luca de Tena, 7 28027 Madrid DIARIO 16 Albasanz, l4 28037 Madrid YA Valportillo Primera, ll 28100 Alcobendas, MADRID TRIBUNA DE ACTUALIDAD Eladio L pez Vilches, 18, 1er piso 28033 Madrid EPOCA Mesena, 83 28033 Madrid TIEMPO O'Donnell, l2 28009 Madrid EL SIGLO Plaza Espa a, 18 Torre de Madrid l6 - 3 28008 Madrid LA GACETA DE LOS NEGOCIOS O'Donnell, l2 28009 Madrid EXPANSION Recoletos, l 28001 Madrid CINCO DIAS Gran Via, 32 - 2 28013 Madrid ACTUALIDAD ECONOMICA Recoletos, 1 28001 Madrid DINERO O'Donnell, l2 28009 Madrid SUPLEMENTO SEMANAL Taller de Editores, S.A. Jorge Juan, 30 - 5 28001 Madrid EL PAIS SEMANAL Miguel Yuste, 40 28037 Madrid POLITICA EXTERIOR Padilla, 6 28006 Madrid REVISTA ESPA OLA DE DEFENSA Paseo de la Castellana, l09 28071 Madrid FUTURO Marques de Cubas, 21 28014 MADRID ABC Sevilla Cardenal Llundain, 9 41013 Sevilla EL CORREO ESPA OL - EL PUEBLO VASCO Pintor Losada, 7 48004 Bilbao (Vizcaya) LA VOZ DE GALICIA Concepcion Arenal, 11-13 15006 La Coruna DEIA Ctra. de Bilbao/Galdacano, 8 (Bolueta) 48004 Bilbao LA RIOJA Vara de Rey, 74 Apartado 28 26002 Logrono (La Rioja) DIARIO DE NAVARRA Carretera de Zaragoza, s/n. Km. 3 31191 Cordovilla (Navarra) EL PERIODICO (Barcelona) Ediciones Primera Plana, S.A./Grupo Z Comte d'Urgell, 71-13 08011 BARCELONA EL PERIODICO (Madrid) Ediciones Primera Plana, S.A./GrupoZ O'Donnell, 12 28009 MADRID LA TRIBUNA DE ALBACETE Salamanca, 17 - Entpla. Albacete NUEVA REVISTA DE POLITICA, CULTURA Y ARTE Capitan Haya, 23, Esc. 2, 9-1 28020 MADRID CAMBIO 16 Hnos. Garcia Noblejas, 41 28037 MADRID LA VANGUARDIA (Madrid) Seccion Economica Oquendo, 23, bajos 28006 MADRID LA VANGUARDIA (Barcelona) Seccion Internacional Pelayo, 28 08001 - BARCELONA PALABRA General Diaz Porlier, 14 28001 MADRID