TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. COMMERCIAL OVERVIEW ................................... 4 - Overview of import market - Commercial environment - Host country business attitudes towards the U.S. - Major business opportunities - Major roadblocks to doing business - Nature of local and third country competition II. LEADING TRADE PROSPECTS FOR U.S. BUSINESS ............. 7 - Best prospects products and services for U.S. exporters. III. ECONOMIC TRENDS AND OUTLOOK .......................... 8 - Upside of Economic Cycle - Adjustment to Europe - Challenges in the Welfare State - Principal Growth Sectors - Agricultural Trends and Outlook - Government Role in the Economy - Balance of Payments Situation - Trade and Investment Barriers - Labor Force - Third country competitors - Infrastructure Situation - Major Infrastructure Projects Underway IV. POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT ............................... 14 - Bilateral Relationship with the United States - Major political issues affecting business climate - Political System, Schedule for Elections, and Orientation of Major Political Parties V. MARKETING U.S. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ................ 16 - Marketing Channels - Agents/Distributors: Finding a partner - Franchising - Direct Marketing - Joint Ventures/Licensing - Steps to Establishing an Office - Selling factors/techniques - Advertising - Pricing product - Sales service/customer support - Selling to the Government - Protecting your Product from IPR Infringement - Need for a Local Attorney VI. TRADE REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS ..................... 32 - Tariffs and Import Taxes - Customs Valuation - Import Licenses - Import/Export Documentation - Temporary Entry - Labeling, Marking Requirements - Prohibited Imports - Standards - Free Trade Zones/Warehouses - Special Import Provisions - Membership in Free Trade Organizations VII. INVESTMENT CLIMATE ................................. 41 - Openness to foreign investment - Conversion and transfer policies - Expropriation and compensation - Dispute settlement - Political violence - Performance requirements/incentives - Right to private ownership and establishment - Protection of property rights - Regulatory system: laws and procedures - Bilateral investment agreements - OPIC and other investment insurance programs - Labor - Foreign trade zones/free ports - Capital outflow policy - Major foreign investors VIII. TRADE AND PROJECT FINANCING ....................... 49 - Banks and Financial Institutions - Exchange controls affecting trade - General Financing Availability - How to finance exports/methods of payment - Types of available export financing and insurance IX. BUSINESS TRAVEL .................................... 55 - Business customs - Travel advisory and visas - Holidays - Business infrastructure APPENDIX A - COUNTRY DATA ............................... 59 APPENDIX B - LIST OF BEST PROSPECTS ..................... 61 APPENDIX C - U.S. AND COUNTRY CONTACTS .................. 94 APPENDIX D - MARKET RESEARCH ............................ 102 APPENDIX E - TRADE EVENT SCHEDULE ....................... 107