TABLE OF CONTENTS I. COMMERCIAL OVERVIEW.......................................1 II. LEADING U.S. EXPORT PROSPECTS.............................2 III. ECONOMIC TRENDS AND OUTLOOK...............................3 -Economic Overview -Major Trends and Outlook -Principal Growth Sectors -Government Role in the Economy -Balance of Payments Situation -Trade and Investment Barriers -Labor Force -Major Local & Third Country Competitors in -Specific Sectors -Infrastructure IV. THE POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT.................................15 -Nature of the Bilateral U.S./South African Relationship -Major Political Issues Affecting the Business Climate -The Political System -South Africa's First Democratic Election -Orientation of the Major Political Parties V. MARKETING U.S. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES......................19 -Distribution and Sales Channels -Use of Agents/Distributors: Finding a Partner -Assistance Offered by the U.S. and Foreign -Commercial Service -Franchising -Direct Marketing -Licensing -Steps to Establishing an Office -Advertising and Trade Promotion -Major Newspapers -Trade Journals -Pricing -Selling to the Government -Protecting Your Product from IPR Infringement VI. TRADE REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS...........................33 -Tariffs and Import Taxes -Import Permits (Licenses) -U.S. Export Controls -South African Export Controls -Import/Export Documentation -Warehousing -Barter/Countertrade -Used Goods -Temporary Import of Samples -Labelling, Marking Requirements -Standards -Free Trade Zones/Warehouses -Membership in Free Trade Arrangements VII. INVESTMENT CLIMATE......................................44 -Openness to Foreign Investment -Conversion and Transfer Policies -Expropriation and Compensation -Dispute Settlement -Political Violence -Performance Requirements/Incentives -Right to Private Ownership and Establishment -Protection of Property Rights -Regulatory System: Laws and Procedures -Efficient Capital Markets and Portfolio -Investment -Bilateral Investment Agreements -Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) -Foreign Trade Zones/Free Ports -Capital Outflow Policy -Major Foreign Investors VIII. TRADE AND PROJECT FINANCING.............................55 -The Banking System -Foreign Exchange Controls -Financing Availability -Methods of Payment -Foreign Exchange for Import Purchases -Air Shipments -Types of Available Trade and Finance and Insurance -Project Finance -Banks in South Africa with Correspondent U.S. -Banking Arrangements -Banks in South Africa with Correspondent -Worldwide Banking Arrangement IX. BUSINESS TRAVEL.........................................65 -Business Customer -Travel Advisory and Tips -Business Infrastructure X. APPENDICES..............................................70 A. Country Data B. Best U.S. Export Prospects C. U.S. and Country Contacts D. Market Research E. Trade Event Schedule