APPENDIX C U.S. AND ROMANIAN CONTACTS (Note: For each contact, the following information has been entered: organization, contact name and title, address, phone, and fax.) I. ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Government of Romania (General Secretariat) Victor Hrebenciuc, Secretary General Piata Victoriei 1, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 614-3400, 633-7660 Fax: (40-1) 312-3814 Council for Economic Coordination, Strategy and Reform Mircea Cosea, Minister State Secretary Piata Victoriei 1, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 312-3747 Fax: (40-1) 312-4686 Romanian Development Agency Nicoale Jantea, State Secretary Blvd. Magheru 7, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 615-66-86, 614-51-60 Fax: (40-1) 613-24-15, 312-03-71 National Agency for Privatization Iacob Zelenco, President Str. Ministerului 2-4, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 613-61-36 Fax: (40-1) 312-08-09 State Office for Inventions and Trademarks Mioara Radulescu, President Str. Ion Ghica 5, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 615-9066 Fax: (40-1) 312-3819 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu, Minister Aleea Modrogan 14, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 633-4060, 614-9368 Fax: (40-1) 312-7589 Ministry of Finance Florin Georgescu, Minister Str. Apolodor 17, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 631-1784, 631-4561 Fax: (40-1) 312-1630 Ministry of Trade Constantin Teculescu, Minister Str. Apolodor 17, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 614-1141, 312-0388 Fax: (40-1) 312-2342 Ministry of Industries Dumitru Popescu, Minister Calea Victoriei 152, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 650-5020, 650-4190 Fax: (40-1) 650-3029, 312-0513 Department for Chemical and Petrochemical Industry Mihail Paraschiv, State Secretary Tel. (40-1) 211-3962, 650-3880 Fax: (40-1) 650-3885 Department of Mines and Geology Ioan Gaf-Deac, State Secretary Tel/Fax: (40-1) 650-21-83 Department of Metallurgical Industry Petru Ianc, State Secretary Tel. (40-1) 659-2055 or 650-6387 Fax: (40-1) 312-5956 Department of Machine Building Dicu Constantin, State Secretary Tel. (40-1) 311-2895 or 650-2407 Fax: (40-1) 312-4261 Department for Electrical Engineering and Electronics Virgil Popa, State Secretary Tel. (40-1) 659-7424 Fax: (40-1) 311-0727 Department of Building Materials Ioan Lucian Dumitru, State Secretary Tel. (40-1) 650-55-52 Fax: (40-1) 650-60-53 Department of Textile and Leather Industry Virgiliu Adrian Savin, State Secretary Tel. (40-1) 650-25-11, 650-72-34 Fax: (40-1) 312-50-10 Department of Wood Industry Nicolae Marin, State Secretary Tel. (40-1) 650-4173 Fax: (40-1) 311-0974, 650-2033 Department of Material and Financial Resources Alexandru Stanescu, State Secretary Tel. (40-1) 650-74-41 Fax: (40-1) 650-65-45 Department of Management, Legislation and Human Resources Lucian Gheorghe Motiu, State Secretary Tel. (40-1) 312-70-29 Fax: (40-1) 312-59-56 Ministry of Communications Andrei Chirica, Minister Blvd. Libertatii 14, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 400-1100, 312-0017 Fax: (40-1) 400-1556 Ministry of Transport Aurel Novac, Minister Blvd. Dinicu Golescu 38, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 617-2060, 312-1919 Fax: (40-1) 312-0772 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry Ioan Oancea, Minister Blvd. Carol I No. 24, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 614-4020, 311-2276 Fax: (40-1) 614-4020 Ministry of Health Iulian Mincu, Minister Str. Ministerului 2-4, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 614-1526, 614-1525 Fax: (40-1) 312-4889, 312-4883 Ministry of Tourism Dan Matei, Minister Str. Apolodor 17, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 312-3731, 312-6767 Fax: (40-1) 312-2345; 312-0481 Ministry of Water, Forests and Environment Protection Constantin Aurel Ilie, Minister Blvd. Libertatii 12, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 631-6146 Fax: (40-1) 312-0403 Ministry of Public Work and Territorial Development Dan Mircea Popescu, Minister Str. Apolodor 17, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 614-1690, 781-3903 Fax: (40-1) 312-0187 II. ROMANIAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania Aurel Ghibutiu, President Blvd. Nicolae Balcescu 22, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 615-4703 or 614-3965 Fax: (40-1) 613-0091 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Alba County Ioan Buldog, President Gheorghe Ignat, Manager Foreign Relation Str. Parcului 3 2500 Alba Iulia, Romania Tel. (40-58) 81-1772; Fax: (40-58) 81-1771 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arad County Mr. Remus Tanase, President Str. Crisan 5 2900 Arad, Romania Tel. (40-57) 22-1911; Fax: (40-57) 22-2211 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arges County Ion Capatina, President Piata General Vasile Milea 1 0300 Pitesti, Romania Tel. (40-48) 68-1499; Fax: (40-48) 63-3300 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bacau County Doru Simovici, President Str. Libertatii 1 5500 Bacau, Romania Tel. (40-34) 14-6262; Fax: (40-34) 17-1070 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bihor County Ioan Glajaru, President Str. General Magheru 7 3700 Oradea, Romania Tel. (40-59) 11-7381; Tel/Fax: (40-59) 11-7178 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bistrita County Francisc Szasz, President Str. Nicolae Titulescu 3 4400 Bistrita-Nasaud, Romania Tel. (40-63) 21-6191; Fax: (40-63) 21-7640 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Botosani County Dan Andrascu, President Str. Dragos Voda 7 6800 Botosani, Romania Tel. (40-31) 51-3630; Fax: (40-31) 51-7532 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brasov County Mircea Florescu, President B-dul Eroilor 5 2200 Brasov, Romania Tel. (40-68) 11-7046; Fax: (40-68) 15-0333 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Braila County Adrian Popa, President Str. Pensionatului 3 6100 Braila, Romania Tel. (40-39) 61-3716; Fax: (40-39) 61-3716 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Buzau County Nicolae Iacob, President B-dul Nicolae Balcescu 48, Intr. D 5100 Buzau, Romania Tel. (40-38) 41-5229; Fax: (40-38) 42-4571 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Caras-Severin County Sorin Frunzaverde, President Str. Petru Maior 71 1700 Resita, Romania Tel. (40-55) 41-1316; Fax: (40-55) 19-0396 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Calarasi County Nicolae Cristian Parvan, President Str. Slobozia 9-11 8500 Calarasi, Romania Tel. (40-42) 31-1122; Fax: (40-42) 31-4533 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Cluj County Mircea Crisan, Director Foreign Relation Division Piata Unirii 2 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania Tel. (40-64) 11-1351; Fax: (40-64) 11-2214 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Constanta County Cornel Florea, President Str. Mircea cel Batran 84, Bl. MF1 8700 Constanta, Romania Tel. (40-41) 66-5494; Fax: (40-1) 312-2401 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Covasna County Herman Rosner, President Piata Libertatii 4 4000 Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania Tel. (40-67) 31-5670; Fax: (40-67) 15-1889 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dambovita County Gheorghe Predoi, President B-dul Castanilor 3-5 0200 Targoviste, Romania Tel. (40-45) 61-6844; Fax: (40-45) 61-5434 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dolj County Mihalache Hotaranu, President Gheorghe Albu, General Manager Str. Ion Maiorescu 10 1100 Craiova, Romania Tel. (40-51) 11-8876; Fax: (40-51) 11-2652 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Galati County Dan Gogoncea, Presedinte Str. Mihai Bravu 46 6200 Galati, Romania Tel. (40-36) 41-5505; Fax: (40-36) 41-4750 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Giurgiu County Petre Dumitrescu, President Hotel Victoria, Str. Garii 1 8375 Giurgiu, Romania Tel. (40-46) 21-7161; Fax: (40-46) 21-3732 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Gorj County Gheorghe Valceanu, President Str. Eroilor 36 1400 Tg. Jiu, Romania Tel. (40-53) 21-4491; Fax: (40-53) 21-7779 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Harghita County Alexandru Tusineanu, President Str. Timisoarei 15 4100 Miercurea Ciuc, Romania Tel. (40-66) 11-2962; Fax: (40-66) 15-0935 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hunedoara County Cornel Burlec, President Str. 1 Decembrie 35 2700 Deva, Romania Tel. (40-54) 61-2924; Fax: (40-54) 61-8973 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ialomita County Nicolae Stanca, President Str. Chimiei 2 8400 Slobozia, Romania Tel. (40-43) 21-2027; Fax: (40-43) 21-2027 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iasi County Costel Popa, President B-dul Copou 4 6600 Iasi, Romania Tel. (40-32) 11-2170; Fax: (40-32) 11-2170 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Maramures County Gheorghe Marcas, President Maria Morcovescu, Vice-Presedint Blvd. Unirii 16 4800 Baia Mare, Romania Tel. (40-62) 43-3900; Fax: (40-62) 43-3894 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mehedinti County Aurel Gradin, President Str. Thedor Costescu 5 1500 Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania Tel. (40-52) 21-4219; Fax: (40-52) 21-6140 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mures County Gheorghe Nan, President Str. Tusnad 5 2200 Targu Mures, Romania Tel. (40-65) 16-8121; Fax: (40-65) 16-9219 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Neamt County Corneliu Enache, President Str. Republicii 3 5800 Piatra Neamt, Romania Tel. (40-33) 61-6663; Fax: (40-33) 61-6657 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Olt County Emil Stancescu, President Str. Nicolae Titulescu 45 0500 Slatina, Romania Tel. (40-49) 42-2020; Fax: (40-49) 42-3225 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Prahova County Nicolae Constantin, President Str. Republicii 2, Intr. B, Cam. 424 2000 Ploiesti, Romania Tel. (40-44) 14-3427; Fax: (40-44) 11-2552 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Satu Mare County Gheorghe Racovan, President Piata 25 Octombrie No. 1 3900 Satu Mare, Romania Tel. (40-61) 71-4036; Fax: (40-61) 71-5058 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Salaj County Corneliu Halmaghi, President Piata 1 Decembrie 1918 No. 7 4700 Zalau, Romania Tel. (40-60) 61-4612; Fax: (40-60) 61-4195 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sibiu County Gheorghe Ionas, President Str. Telefoanelor 1 2400 Sibiu, Romania Tel. (40-69) 41-6447; Fax: (40-69) 41-1831 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Suceava County Gavril Muresan, President Str. Stefan cel Mare 36 5800 Suceava, Romania Tel. (40-30) 21-5885; Fax: (40-30) 21-0041 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Teleorman County Stefan Neagoe, President Str. Ion Creanga 57 0700 Alexandria, Romania Tel. (40-47) 32-4219; Fax: (40-1) 312-2192 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Timis County Emil Mateescu, President Piata Victoriei 3 1900 Timisoara, Romania Tel. (40-56) 19-0766; Fax: (40-56) 19-0311 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tulcea County Doru Poponete, President Str. Mica 1 8800 Tulcea, Romania Tel. (40-40) 51-5360; Fax: (40-40) 51-7493 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vaslui County Teodor Dorel Nedelcu, President Str. Stefan cel Mare 79 6500 Vaslui, Romania Tel. (40-35) 31-1442; Fax: (40-35) 31-4020 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Valcea County Valentin Cismaru, President Str. Cozia 43 1000 Rm. Valcea, Romania Tel. (40-50) 71-4200; Fax: (40-50) 71-2836 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vrancea County Mihai Voicu, President Str. Dimitrie Cantemir 1 bis 5300 Focsani, Romania Tel. (40-37) 61-6575; Fax: (40-1) 312-2766 III. ROMANIAN MARKET RESEARCH FIRMS Aromar Constantin Fota, President Gheorghe Feteanu, General Manager Tel. (40-1) 615-0658, 615-3923 Institute of World Economy Nicolae Nistorescu, President Blvd. Carol I No. 12, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 614-1653; Fax: (40-1) 311-0759 Research Team Romania SRL Cosmin Alexandru, President Str. Iancu de Hunedoara 2, Bl. H6, Ap. 31 Tel. (40-1) 659-8895; Fax: (40-1) 311-0672 IV. BANKS Romanian National Bank Mugur Isarescu, Chairman Str. Lipscani 25, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 613-0410, 614-0262 Fax: (40-1) 312-0787 Romanian Commercial Bank Ion Ghica, Chairman Blvd. Republicii 12-16, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 615-7560, 614-1190 Fax: (40-1) 614-3213 Agricultural Bank Gheorghe Barbulescu, Chairman Str. Smirdan 3, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 615-7762, 614-4260 Fax: (40-1) 312-0340 Romanian Bank for Development S.A. Marian Crisan, Chairman Str. Doamnei 4, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 615-8909, 613-3200 Fax: (40-1) 312-1562 Romanian Bank for Foreign Trade Razvan Temesan, Chairman Calea Victoriei 22-24, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 613-1089, 613-9190, 613-8010 Fax: (40-1) 614-1598 Bank Post S.A. Elena Petculescu, President Blvd. Liberatii Bl. 113, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 311-0606, 400-1114 Fax: (40-1) 311-0604 Eximbank S.A. Petru Rares, Chairman Str. Stavropoleus 6, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 311-3085, 311-0493 Fax: (40-1) 312-1350 MindBank S.A. Ioan Pruntus, Chairman Calea Plevnei 46-48, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 613-0788 Tel\Fax: (40-1) 615-7727 BankCoop S.A. Alexandru Dinulescu, Chairman Str. Ion Ghica 13, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 615-7390, 312-0035 Fax: (40-1) 312-0037 "Ion Tiriac" Commercial Bank Constantin Duna, Chairman Str. Doamnei 12, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 638-7560, 615-8856 Fax: (40-1) 312-1058, 312-5878 "Dacia Felix" Bank Ioan Sima, President Str. Memorandumului 28 Cluj-Napoca, Romania Tel. (40-64) 114-433 "Renasterea Creditului Romanesc" S.A. (Credit Bank) Marcel Ivan, President Str. Corbeni 30, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 211-4131, 211-5114 Fax: (40-1) 211-4160, 312-1860 "Capital" S.A. Bank Rodica Seward, President Str. Doamnei 12, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 614-4544 Tel/Fax: (40-1) 312-5882 Frankfurt-Bukarest Bank Oscar Neum, Director Calea Victoriei 22-24, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 613-1030, 613-0040 Fax: (40-1) 615-8094 MISR Romanian Bank (Romanian-Egyptian Bank) Dumitru Lungu, General Director Str. George Enescu 4, Bucharest Tel.: (40-1) 312-0564, 312-0893 Fax: (40-1) 312-0908 Romanian-Turkish Bank Erdogan Gunay, Chairman Victor Juganaru, Vice-President Ahmed Akdogan, Vice-President Str. I. Campineanu 16 Tel. (40-1) 312-1006; 312-3370 Fax: (40-1) 311-1732 Banque Franco-Roumaine - Bucharest Branch Florian Iliescu, General Director Xavier de Beausse, Director Blvd. Nicolae Balcescu 11, Bucharest Tel.: (40-1) 615-0003, 614-9902, 614-7923 Fax: (40-1) 312-1358 Chemical Bank - Bucharest Branch Robert Dolan, Branch Manager Blvd. Carol I No. 16, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 312-0470; 312-1392; 312-1988; 312-2709 Fax: (40-1) 312-1076 Societe Generale - Bucharest Branch Jean Robert, General Director Blvd. Nicolae Balcescu 16, Bucharest Tel. (40-1) 638-2494 Fax: (40-1) 312-0060 V. U.S. EMBASSY TRADE PERSONNEL Craig S. Atkins, Commercial Attache Rodica Tinis, Commercial Specialist Dan Floru, Commercial Assistant Doina Brancusi, Commercial Assistant Florin Ghiorghisor, EEBIC Contractor Tel. (40-1) 210-4042, 210-0495 Fax: (40-1) 210-0395 International Mail: American Embassy Foreign Commercial Service Str. Tudor Arghezi 7-9, Bucharest U.S. Mail: AmEmbassy Bucharest Foreign Commercial Service Unit 1315 APO AE 09213-1315 VI. WASHINGTON-BASED USG CONTACTS U.S. Department of Commerce USFCS/OIO George Knowles, Regional Director for Europe U.S. Department of Commerce - Room 3130 14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20230 Tel. (202) 482-1599 Fax: (202) 482-3159 International Economic Policy - Eastern Europe Division Pamela Green, Romanian Desk Officer U.S. Department of Commerce - Room 3413 14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20230 Tel. (202) 482-4915, 482-4916 Fax: (202) 482-4505 Eastern European Business Information Center (EEBIC) Susan Blackman, Director U.S. Department of Commerce - Room 7412 14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20230 Tel. (202) 482-2645 Fax: (202) 482-4473 U.S. Department of State Brady Kiesling, Country Officer for Romania U.S. Department of State - Room 5219 2201 C St., N.W. Washinton D.C. 20520 Tel. (202) 647-4272 Fax: (202) 736-4853 U.S. Trade and Development Agency Scott Contino, Country Manager U.S. Trade and Development Agency Washington, D.C. 20523-1602 Tel. (703) 875-4357 Fax: (703) 875-4009 VII. U.S.-BASED MULTIPLIERS RELEVANT FOR ROMANIA U.S. Chamber of Commerce Thaddeus Kopinski Director for Central and Eastern Europe U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1615 H St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20062 Tel. (202) 463-5482 Fax: (202) 463-3114 Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce Mark A. Meyer, Chairman 909 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 Tel. (212) 339-5400 Embassy of Romania Mihai Bujor Sion, Economic Councellor 1607 23rd St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel. (202) 232-4747 or 232-6593 Fax: (202) 232-4748 The Consulate General of Romania Ion Dragomir, Consul 200 East 38th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel. (212) 682-9120 or 682-9121 Fax: (212) 972-8463